Special K Protein Shakes?

Are these good? Are they a good source of protein? I'm needing something with protein and I'm wondering if it's worth it!


  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 107 Member
    I would love to know this too!!! Good Post!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I've had the chocolate and the vanilla and they were good.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    The milk chocolate ones are my fave that I buy, but I've only tried them and the french vanilla. The vanilla tastes waaaay too sweet for me. :[
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    Honestly, it's more cost effective to just buy the protein powder and make your own shakes.
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i know that they taste AWESOME, but i'm not sure how good they are for you. right now i'm drinking this..



    ^^^ the mocha flavor.

    it tastes great and has a little caffeine for a boost. today i put it in a blender with ice and half a container of raspberry low carb yogurt and a little bit of water. it tasted great!!
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    The Kellogg's Special K protein shake is a good tasting drink that comes in three different flavors (Milk Chocolate, Strawberry, French Vanilla). However it is not a perfect protein shake and one of the issues with the Special K Protein drinks, when compared to some of the other brands out there, is that protein is too low at only 10g and the sugar (18g) and fat (45g) content are way too high. Most of the reviews that we have seen for this product have commented on how it does taste great and have even compared the flavor to some of the Slim Fast drinks, but taste alone does not justify a product as a good meal replacement.

    Ideally if you are looking for a good meal replacement then there are much better products out there. Most of those products will not be found at the local convenience or grocery stores but they can easily be purchased at a supplement store or many of the supplement sites available online. Brands like Met-RX, Labrada and EAS offer good meal replacement choices that come with more protein and a lot less sugar. The sugary shakes taste great but in the end they are not much more than just a sugary drink
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I really like them. The strawberry one is my favorite.
  • mrfrank33
    mrfrank33 Posts: 8
    Designer Whey makes a great tasting low carb 100 calorie protein powder. It's delcious. I love strawberry best
  • shopgirl192
    shopgirl192 Posts: 102
    I bought the milk chocolate ones... not really as a meal replacement... I just need more protein in my diet and I figured it'd be a good alternative! :) What is the best protein powder out there? I don't want to get bulky, I just need more protein! :)
  • liz4fit
    liz4fit Posts: 4 Member
    STOP! If you want a good protein supplement look into PROTEIN SHAKES. Just like mentioned above-too little protein, too many carbs, sugar and fat! A good protein will have 20g per serving. Look into EAS myoplex (they have a light version, reg. version, high fiber (watch out) and others). I personally like Optimum Nutrition Gold standard 100% whey -rocky road, chocolate, french vanilla and banana are good. Low carb (4g per serv) 25g protein and no sugar (1g). You can blend them with ice if you want them thicker-don't mix with milk mix with water... and maybe a couple ounces of almond milk (the 35-40calories a cup stuff).
  • hardenedheartx
    hardenedheartx Posts: 42 Member
    I use Designer Whey Protein Powder. It has 19g of protein, 2g of sugar and is only 100 calories. The chocolate flavor is yummy. =)
  • mrfrank33
    mrfrank33 Posts: 8
    I love it. I try to workout early in the morning before work, and I chug a big glass right afterwards. Fills me up, and helps wih the recovery. I never tried chocolate, but i'll be running out to grab some this weekend ;)
  • momof4Oneal
    I would not recommend this based on the carbs & sugars...I drink SNS Mulit-Whey it comes in Vanilla & Chocolate and it actually tastes good. It is not your typical protein shake though....I add it to my instant oatmeal packets & it tastes really good. It is not thick at all nor does it clump. There are so many other benefits to it as well....here is the link to the website so that you can see for yourself the difference!
