Caloric Intake Questions

So I just started with MyFitnessPal and so far I love this program.

My question for those who have lost weight.

Im F 5'4 240 down from 260. Previously I was just watching what I ate not really counting calories now I got a little more serious

If I have a sedentary job and I work out everyday about an hour, and 2 hours daily on the weekend. What should my caloric intake be?

Ppl have been telling me 1300 is too low to lose weight and could hinder me by slowing my metabolism down so Im confused. I tried to up my calories to 1800 but getting 1800 worth of good food seems too much.

Any suggestions??

Thank you!! =)


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I had a sedentary desk job and I ate what was recommended on MFP and ate back my calories to net around 1200 and I lost weight. Some days I ate 1400 some days 1800. I did buy a heart rate monitor so I had an accurate count of my exercise calories.

    I now have an active job and I am having a difficult time getting into the swing of it, with the varying hours and the restaurant part of it. The thing is I have still lost a little but have sort of hit a plateau.

    Best wishes,
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm 5'4" also work a sedentary job and most weeks work out at least 6 days a week. I eat 1200 calories a day and some of the calories I burn exercising. On average I eat 1200-1500 calories a day. Also I started at 265 and am now 219 and eating 1200-1500 calories a day I have lost about 2.5-3lbs a week (on average - sometimes more, sometimes less).

    Hope that helps :)
  • adamarker11382
    A dietician once told me to take your goal weight and multiply that by 100. After that exercise for a minimum of 90 minutes/week.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    What does MFP say when you set your goals? Go with whatever it says.

    According to my calculations, 1800 will give you a 1.5 lb per week loss & 1500 will give you 2.
  • leederz
    leederz Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys, its starting to make more sense now.
    I was confused because I put my activity level at high to take into account for my exercise but MFP already does that for you.
    Thanks for all the quick responses =)