Ever wonder what to do with leftover egg yolks?

kirstinkrueger Posts: 346
edited September 2024 in Recipes
I get asked questions like this a lot about my recipe page

Q: I recently made a delicious beautiful white cake for a friend's birthday. It went over so well that I'm planning on making all sorts of variations for future cakes.
However, it calls for 8 (EIGHT!) egg whites. I'm opposed to buying those cartons of egg whites, but I also hate to throw all those delicious yolks away. Any yolk-friendly recipes?

A:The classic way to use up a lot of egg yolks is custard. Lots of egg yolks, cooked gently into cream or milk with a little sugar and vanilla, makes the most divinely rich ice cream custard. You can also make hot custard sauces or baked custards, or a custard pie filling.


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