Ten pounds? Seriously?

I started using MFP because I hit my "oh *kitten*" weight and needed to get back down to a (psychologically) comfortable level. I've had numerous lapses in calorie judgment over the past couple weeks and am pretty much where I started (seeing the "oh *kitten*" weight on the scale this weekend hasn't put me in the best mood). It occurred to me tonight that I'm a lousy ten pounds away from feeling okay with the way I look. Seriously? Ten pounds are kicking my a** mentally and physically? I was at least fifty pounds overweight all through high school and I'm intimidated by ten pounds now? I don't know whether to be relieved or even more frustrated at this realization. It may be ten pounds, but it feels a million miles away at this point. Anyone have any magic words to motivate me to behave myself long enough to lose the infamous ten pounds?

Highest weight: 180-something (high school, which was 10-ish years ago)
Lowest weight (of adulthood): 127
Current weight: 136 - 141 (I saw 140 yesterday morning and 136.6 tonight)
"Oh *kitten*" weight: 140
Reasonable goal weight: 133
Unreasonable goal weight: 125-ish
Height: 5'7" plus a few millimeters


  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    "When thoughts become action, success is attainable"...borrowed this from another MFP friend who just posted it. The last 10 lbs are usually the hardest. Just keep thinking about how good you will feel when you reach it. You can also reward your self when you reach that goal but set that reward now. One girl on here buys herself a pair of shoes when she meets a goal. I have just decided this evening to set a reward for my next goal just not sure what it is yet.
  • sarabellum
    sarabellum Posts: 88 Member
    Holy flip - I feel the EXACT same way. The only advice I can give is to just try to ENJOY what you're doing - working out, eating healthfully - do it because you like how you feel.
    I'm 10 lbs away from my goal and I've decided that it's going to come off. It might take a while, but if I'm making smart choices and changing my lifestyle and habits - then the 10 lbs become much less of a big deal.
    Its for sure easier said than done. But keep telling yourself how great you've done and are doing. We all have weak moments and times when our motivation is nonexistant. But just keep at it and I know you'll get there!!!
    Add me if you want some support - we could help each other out :)
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    I think it's GREAT that you are having an "oh *kitten*" moment over your 10 pounds. That's how you are going to keep this under control. You know when to put the brakes on and that's a good thing. I'm about 16 - 20 over and totally bummed out I let myself get to that oh *kitten* weight....especially in the summer time. Wish I would have put the brakes on at the 10 pounds like you did. But....I'm working on it very hard, and I'll get it back down again. Good luck to you and good job for worrying over 10 lbs! Keep your MFP numbers under control, and exercise like a crazy person and you'll lose it!
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    You seriously cannot weigh yourself every day. That will drive you nuts! Water weight, food, and time of day can all affect your weight. Once a week is enough, and just control your calories. Oh, and always weigh first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom...
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Have you seen the documentary "Super Size Me?"

    If not, Morgan Spurlock...who is the picture of health...goes on a 30-day McDonald's binge and gains 24.5 pounds. To quote from the film's epilogue, "It took him 5 months to lose 20 pounds. And another 9 to lose the last 4 1/2."

    The first few come off relatively easily; the last few fight to stay on. Stay the course!

    (Think about his case again...1 month to blow up nearly 25 pounds...more than a year to fix it!)
  • Thanks for the encouragement, guys! I actually didn't expect this much feedback to my little rant. I'm going to try to take some pointers from each of your posts: not comparing my current weight situation to past situations, rewarding myself (not with food) for meeting goals, not totally freaking out on myself for seeing the "oh *kitten*" weight and actually being proud for tackling this thing before it gets out of control. Note that I said I'm going to TRY, extra glasses of wine and deep dish pizza be damned. :)