Hi Everyone - I'm New Here

chiquita623 Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone. My name is Laurie and this is my first post on this site. I've been on the weight loss journey for approximately a year and a half. I started on LA Weight Loss in May 2007 and did quite well starting at 211 and ending at 175 in December and then they closed their doors. So I've been sort of floundering around on my own since the first of the year and not doing so well at it. I've gained back 10 pounds and I am not very happy about it.

I am having a hard time finding what works for me. I've tried calorie counting, South Beach, LA Weight Loss and various other things over the past 10 months and I just cannot stick to anything. I truly believe that part of my problem is that I have no accountability to anyone other than myself. And as you can see, that just hasn't been working for me. I need to be accountable to someone other than myself. I've been kicking around joining WW after the first of the year so that I have to attend meetings and get weighed.

Can you tell I'm at the point that I just don't know what to do that will work for me? I refuse to give up on the idea that I can be at a healthy weight and feel good about myself.


  • Hi Everyone. My name is Laurie and this is my first post on this site. I've been on the weight loss journey for approximately a year and a half. I started on LA Weight Loss in May 2007 and did quite well starting at 211 and ending at 175 in December and then they closed their doors. So I've been sort of floundering around on my own since the first of the year and not doing so well at it. I've gained back 10 pounds and I am not very happy about it.

    I am having a hard time finding what works for me. I've tried calorie counting, South Beach, LA Weight Loss and various other things over the past 10 months and I just cannot stick to anything. I truly believe that part of my problem is that I have no accountability to anyone other than myself. And as you can see, that just hasn't been working for me. I need to be accountable to someone other than myself. I've been kicking around joining WW after the first of the year so that I have to attend meetings and get weighed.

    Can you tell I'm at the point that I just don't know what to do that will work for me? I refuse to give up on the idea that I can be at a healthy weight and feel good about myself.
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    :smile: Hi Laurie & welcome! You've come to the right place if you want to lose weight and need support. I counted calories for 2 years and did ok but then bottomed out. I still had 70 to 80 calories to go to see my goal weight. I found this site by accident in July and so far have lost 20 of my 40 pound weight loss since then. I log my meals the night before if possible and log my exercise when I do it. It was a real eye opener to see the amount of calories I was taking in. As far as support goes...there's plenty here when you need it! Don't look at this as a diet. As someone else put it...this is a journey and a new way of living, eating, etc. Because once I get to my weight goal I still have to watch what and how much I eat and I need to exercise to maintain that weight. Once I started seeing the weight coming off that has motivated me to keep working out and eating right. I know you can do this...remember we're all in this together.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Good luck.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi Laurie--

    You're at the right place-- accountability AND lots of fun with some awesome folks.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    This is a great place - join one of the challenges...

    I am in 2 right now - Tweeners (need to lose 30-99 pounds) and on the purple team of BWL

    Not sure what your goals are but I have a lot of fun with the challenges keeping me on track!
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome you will love this place
  • GuitarJohn
    GuitarJohn Posts: 64 Member

    Hmmmm, does anyone see a pattern emerging here? :bigsmile:

    All kidding aside, welcome aboard.
  • Thanks for all the welcomes. Where do you find the challenges?
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