Vampire Eaters



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Yep I'm a Vamp Eater.
    between 8pm and 11pm is usually when it hits (if it hits).
    And of course this time of night is when all the fast food commercials
    just happen to be all over the TV.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I'm a Vamp eater too. For me it isn't good because I'm a little sleepy by the time I want to eat or I get hungry. That means it's hard for me to make a good decision. When I'm sleepy I don't feel full and can eat until I explode! LOL
    Whether or not it's okay for my body technically, it's just a poor choice for me personally.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Late night eating definately makes you put on weight, because your metabolism slows down overnight while you're asleep, so the food is just sitting in there not burning up properly. Just make sure you eat enough at tea time to keep you going, and try to drink lots of water or something if you peckish before bed
  • carmillablk
    carmillablk Posts: 10 Member
    I have weeks when I replace day for night so I can say I eat at night but I don't wake up in the middle of my sleep to eat. If I feel hungry before I go to sleep I eat some low fat cottage cheese (a spoon or two) before I go to bed. It is absorbed by the body fast so the body can go to rest/repair mode very fast and hunger will not wake me up.
    I wouldn't advise eating complex carbs before bed. Body will have to work long and hard overnight to process them and you really want your body to have enough time do rest and recharge batteries for the next day ( sleeping is like maintenance ) . Something fast absorbing and rich in nutrients will give the body enough energy to work overnight and not wake you up because it ran out of gas.

    I read on many forums, magazines and blogs the idea that it is not healthy to eat after 20h (some even say 18h) but if you go to sleep at 00 you will be hungry as hell. 2-3 hours before sleep seams like a reasonable time to eat (a healthy meal). Your body will process most of the food you ate before it goes to rest mode but still it will have enough energy and material to work properly in the rest mode. The body doesn't stop working while we sleep. If it doesn't stop than it burns can't burn calories if we didn't give him any. :)

    Also I'm hungry in the morning and first thing I do is eat. Complex cards, some fat and a good amount of proteins to get me going. Don't skip or postpone breakfast. When you wake up the body is ready to go go go :D

    If you do wake up in the middle of the night don't go and eat something heavy and bad. This is not the time to eat those yummy oat muffins. :P
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I've had to really work on not snacking at night. But I got through it. I think it all depends more on when you're going to bed than the time of day. If you work something like 2nd or 3rd shift, of course you'll have to eat at night. But if you're going to bed around midnight, try not to snack past 10pm :)
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    I have found one of the best ways, for me, to curb late night snacking is to grab a bottle (500ml) of ice cold water. Chug a lug. I down about half of it. And then sit and wait... and about 95% of the time the food cravings go away. The other 5% I'll grab literally a handful of almonds or rice crackers and then sit and enjoy them. S.l.o.w.l.y. With the rest of the water... it helps. It also keeps your mind off of the problem.

    I found that mostly it's because I am bored, and that's not a reason to eat. :)