"cottage cheese" butt and thighs...



  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I learned, you CAN get rid of cellulite.. its a matter of two things.

    I respectfully disagree with this part of this statement. After much research, I have learned that you don't actually ever "get rid of" cellulite. Once you have it, you have it. That cottage cheese look is from fatty tissue pushing through outer connective bands of tissue. Ever seen those kid toys that are a squishy ball with a mesh outer cover and when you squeeze it, the inner gel squishes through that mesh into a bunch of small blobs. That is essentially how cellulite works.

    What you are seeing when that reduces, is a reduction in the amount of fatty tissue being forced through those connective bands. The best way for that to happen is with cardio and strength training to reduce the over all amount of fat eventually making those little puckers of fatty tissue smaller and smaller :) This is what people are experiencing when they see what they think is a reduction in cellulite. Those 'cells' are still there, they are just empty.

    That being said, it is imperative that people remember they ARE still there and are smaller or empty, because they refill very quickly when people become lax about their exercise/nutrition, etc. That's one of the reasons that the fatty places are the last to lose "the jiggle" from and the first to plump back up.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Not a problem! If you feel like you can go faster, then by all means do.. I just go at 2.5 because otherwise I feel like I'm going to fly off the back if I don't hold on.

    I should also mention that when I do it, it's kind of like a walking lunge up hill..
    dad106, no, but I am willing ot try anything! Here's to hoping the apartment gym is open when I get off work, since its been closed for maintenance the past few days....Thanks!
    Have you tried walking on a treadmill at the highest incline at a speed of 2.5 and not hold on?

    That has helped tone up my back side a lot!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Start doing yoga it'll make your legs look better than squats and lunges. It'll firm up your butt too!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    same here, giants10b (on least fave body part(s)! By the way, that whole too busy to work thing CRACKED me up! Can you imagine lunging down the halls at work, back and forth.
    i'll be doing squats and lunges for the rest of the day.. please tell my work that i'm busy. :) haha

    that's great advice and I can't wait to try it. ( I have cottage cheese upper thighs/butt, that's the one area I hate on myself...--well more than a few other areas) :(

    I already do that in the morning when I come in.. :) hahah
    I do kicks down the isles as it's just me and 1 other girl here at 7am. LOL it's usually to make her laugh and she gets a kick out of it and well it makes my day brighter by being silly.

    ahah I'll be doing squats and lunges as i'm doing the dishes, laundry and cleaning now. Maybe I will add some high heels too to increase my resistance. j.k :-P
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Start doing yoga it'll make your legs look better than squats and lunges. It'll firm up your butt too!

    I am willing to give that a try.. i've been meaning too.. :) thanks
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    mrscates, you are right, do what I can to tighten and tone and well, so be it, I'll have some cottage cheese up on the stage, as long as my behind doesn't fall out of the itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini onstage, I'm all good. And, I hear they have stuff for that, right? I mean, who am I kidding? I am 33, almost 34, have 2 kids, what can I expect? I wonder if they'll let me enter in the Classics portion instead of the regular... lol. Thank you for the real talk! :)

    A: No — and that hurts me to say just as much as it hurts you to hear. Cellulite is a matter of age and genetics. It has everything to do with how your skin lies over the layer of adipose fat underneath it — so our best bet for reducing the appearance of cellulite is simply to lower our overall body fat with proper diet and exercise. In addition to reducing body fat, toning the muscles in your problem areas can help a bit by creating a firmer surface for the fat to rest on. And at the end of the day, remember that nobody's perfect. Even the hottest Hollywood starlet has a little cellulite (at least that's what I read in the tabloids — and those girls still look hot in a bikini). Do what you can to improve how you look, but don't beat yourself up over things you can't control. What's a few dimples, anyway?
    Yep I totally agree- I'm almost 38, and have 2 children. I think it's just another "gonna have to live with it" thing- just like stretchmarks. Eat right and exercise is all you can do I guess.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    tkdgirl23, on demand you say? I'll have to check it out. See, I've never weighed more than 135 pounds, except when I was pregnant and its not stretch marks, its cellulite that I've had since before I was ever pregnant, that and fat thighs, well, fat for a size4 girl. Heck, they were fat when I was a size 0. And, by fat, I mean, not the same size as my body, bigger than they should have been or should be....I think. Here goes me trying to get that jiggle to get gone! :) Thanks!!!
    I learned, you CAN get rid of cellulite.. its a matter of two things.

    1. Work hard at lower body exercise, such as squats & deadlift, eliptical stair climbing machines
    2. What you put in your body.

    We work out and burn some of those calories we eat.. but we are replacing that fat that is being burned by healthier foods. Whole grain foods. Veggies. Water.

    3. There's also Goji the berries you can find at a health food store, actually Goji juice.. I don't know if you can get the whole berries.
    They help remove cellulite as well. Do your research, check it out.

    But , I know for someone that had a lot of cellulite and not so much anymore.. 1 & 2 work really well. Oh check out " The Butt Bible " on demand on exercise tv.. she is absolutely amazing in her workouts for those specific areas. She will tell you , that its not genetics, your not meant to be fat , your meant to be healthy.. but sometimes, we have to work harder at it.. Her workouts have given me results in less then two weeks. Love Love Love Pauline Nordin. She's also very frank , and hilarious.

    Good Luck!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I learned, you CAN get rid of cellulite.. its a matter of two things.

    I respectfully disagree with this part of this statement. After much research, I have learned that you don't actually ever "get rid of" cellulite. Once you have it, you have it. That cottage cheese look is from fatty tissue pushing through outer connective bands of tissue. Ever seen those kid toys that are a squishy ball with a mesh outer cover and when you squeeze it, the inner gel squishes through that mesh into a bunch of small blobs. That is essentially how cellulite works.

    What you are seeing when that reduces, is a reduction in the amount of fatty tissue being forced through those connective bands. The best way for that to happen is with cardio and strength training to reduce the over all amount of fat eventually making those little puckers of fatty tissue smaller and smaller :) This is what people are experiencing when they see what they think is a reduction in cellulite. Those 'cells' are still there, they are just empty.

    That being said, it is imperative that people remember they ARE still there and are smaller or empty, because they refill very quickly when people become lax about their exercise/nutrition, etc. That's one of the reasons that the fatty places are the last to lose "the jiggle" from and the first to plump back up.

    This is what I've always heard too. you just decrease the size of the cells, not the number of cells. As I've lost my weight I've noticed a definite decrease in warbles and dimples (I refuse to associate cheese with anything that looks like that, we have such a love affair that I must deny), but it's still sadly there. That's where I gain my weight first and lose my weight last (wish it was in my bewbs), and it shows. I was planning on leaving my weight at this level, but I've been curious if I can continue to lose weight and be healthy because I'd like so see my *kitten*-ets a little tighter. I used squats, lunges, and cardio to get where I am. I'm thinking about decreasing my ice cream and wine intakes to see where that gets me . . . but then I think "give up my wine?!? what kind of cruel and impossible world is this?!?" so we'll see . . .
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I learned, you CAN get rid of cellulite.. its a matter of two things.

    I respectfully disagree with this part of this statement. After much research, I have learned that you don't actually ever "get rid of" cellulite. Once you have it, you have it. That cottage cheese look is from fatty tissue pushing through outer connective bands of tissue. Ever seen those kid toys that are a squishy ball with a mesh outer cover and when you squeeze it, the inner gel squishes through that mesh into a bunch of small blobs. That is essentially how cellulite works.

    What you are seeing when that reduces, is a reduction in the amount of fatty tissue being forced through those connective bands. The best way for that to happen is with cardio and strength training to reduce the over all amount of fat eventually making those little puckers of fatty tissue smaller and smaller :) This is what people are experiencing when they see what they think is a reduction in cellulite. Those 'cells' are still there, they are just empty.

    That being said, it is imperative that people remember they ARE still there and are smaller or empty, because they refill very quickly when people become lax about their exercise/nutrition, etc. That's one of the reasons that the fatty places are the last to lose "the jiggle" from and the first to plump back up.

    This makes total sense! When I was working full time last year for an entire summer I used to go running a lot after work and then after running I used to do squats with weights, and I did a lot of hot yoga. By the end of the summer I loved my *ss and thighs. It never ALL went away but it became minimal, but then when I went back to school in the fall I let myself go and now it's all backk. I guess I just had to maintain it. Oh phew-ey! now I gotta do all that work all over again. :grumble:
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    You ladies look good!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    This makes total sense! When I was working full time last year for an entire summer I used to go running a lot after work and then after running I used to do squats with weights, and I did a lot of hot yoga. By the end of the summer I loved my *ss and thighs. It never ALL went away but it became minimal, but then when I went back to school in the fall I let myself go and now it's all backk. I guess I just had to maintain it. Oh phew-ey! now I gotta do all that work all over again. :grumble:

    I have lost a lot of weight and this very issue is the reason I am still not comfortable in a bikini (or any swim suit for that matter) because while I am working and working and working ... my butt and thighs have been the last place to lose. The trainer at my gym said a great visual for how the body drops fat is from the head down and the feet up at the same time. Sad but true ... that means the middle section ... butt, thigh, belly ... yep, those go last and then when you gain, those gain first.

    I figure the most important thing is that I AM working and working and working! Other parts have slowly started to shrink, so eventually I figure by butt as legs will catch up ... right? :)