Nerd from New York

gc1ceo Posts: 3 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I have always been overweight since I was an older child (I went from skinny to overweight very quickly) with the "prego belly" bloated stomach, my arms, hands have remained largely skinny and thin so I have a bloated tic kind of look. Anyways, never smoked, drugs, etc but man do I love food. My schedule is often built around when I will eat next, I wake up I practically make myself another meal even if that means 2-3 times a night. I have severe sleep apnea so I'm dealing with being overweight with the fact I get a nap each night, not actual sleep. 276 lbs on a frame meant for 160 something lbs. My weight was somewhat stable round 220 until a few years ago when the sleep problems got worse, then it ballooned over the last 3 years from 220 to my current 276 (my weight gain before that was maybe 5 lbs at most a year).

I joined the Y last Fall but I'm so big that I can't do much of what they offer, butt is too big for the bikes, I can't do any of the pilates or yoga since getting down to the floor is an accomplishment for me. I have been getting in the pool and trying some things but I can't swim much, I can sorta do pool widths (20 ft?). I have severe fear of the deep end to a point where you could put me in a life jacket and I still wouldn't go over there.

I am currrently trying juicing to get some more fruit and veggies in my diet, I hate veggies (I can tolerate small salads, carrot sticks, a bit of celery).

Any way thats me in a nutshell.


  • Hi and welcome!

    I love my food too, I used to have a HUGE appetite, I could eat for England, lol. My husband won't eat before dinner as he doesnt want to spoil his appetite, but I could have eaten a whole meal and then still eat dinner, lol.

    Its a shame you don't like veggies so much - do you like veggie soup? Or tomato soup? Its so easy to make huge pots of soup and then you can have a huge bowl of it to fill yourself up for not so many calories. I also try and make sure I have lots of lean protein in the house so I can grab something healthy. Theres a recipe board on here that you might like.

    I'm also finding tracking my food is really helpful.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey, I really hope that you notice a difference with the sleep apnoea soon.

    Louise x
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    The Y is awesome, the UK version was my first experience of any sort of fitness regime. Why not ask a trainer there to set you a programme and show you the sorts of exercises and equipment that would suit you? And try some classes but get there early to have a chat with the trainer and tell them you're a newbie. Something like Body Pump might suit you.

    As far as the pool goes, try adding in some water walking through chest-high water. If you do want to overcome your fear of the deep end, adult swimming lessons are great.

    In the meantime, try to walk lots, outside and on the treadmill, whatever suits you.

    Good luck!
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