I've had it !



  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I work 8-4:30. When I get home we make dinner and go for a bike ride, and then put my daughter to bed. Once she's in bed I work out for about 45 mins. Then we clean up a little, or watch TV, and then I am in bed by 10pm (up by 6am - I need my rest!). I do that 4 days during the week. Saturday and Sunday I work out during her nap time.

    If you open up your diary maybe we can give you suggestions?
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i work 7:30-4, and am dead tired at the end of the day that i am lucky if i even cook myself food instead of getting something to go. i just plain don't work out. i walk in the morning though, only because i have a dog and she needs it before i go to work. so every morning i walk her for 20 minutes, it sucks, but i don't have a choice. and on the weekends, i will walk as well. that is it. so maybe you need to just concentrate on your cals and not worry about trying to fit in exercise. the diet part is more important for weight loss than the exercise, at least to begin with. so don't stress if you can't find the time to exercise, it happens.

    you can do it, don't let this beat you!
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    mustnothrowcantelopes Posts: 116 Member
    @previn84 - that's just it. I do have a hormonal imbalance and I've been taking everything under the sun for it, homeopathic and chemical. I've been on metformin, fortamet, glucophage, biaetta with a combination of different birth control and both birth control and the diabetic meds by themselves. I've been on orthotricyclin, lo-estrin, Yasmin and a bunch of other types of birth control. I've also taken supplements and vitamins and things to boost my progesterone and decrease testosterone. I've even gone for acupuncture. My body basically resists everything.

    and apparently I can't stop counting calories or take a day off like ever, because I took a week off and gained 4lbs. I'm terrified I'm going to gain all the weight back. I want it to go down and it just keeps going up and I hate myself for it. I've been buying jeans a size smaller, because nothing fits me anymore. Size 18 is too big and size 16 is too small in the waist and I don't know what's better or worse, to wear clothing that is big everywhere or to wear something that is okay everywhere , but looks terrible in the waist. How can one size less make such a big difference. It's like the difference between swimming in your clothes and having something that's skin tight and it literally makes no sense!
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    mustnothrowcantelopes Posts: 116 Member
    @shellybsn - Haven't seen an endocrinologist in a long time. After trying practically every med under the sun and getting no results, I just gave up. I've also been on different anti-depressants in combination with birth control and I literally went crazy. I was crying every two seconds for no reason, until a client of my mom's who is a psychiatrist advised her to take me off the birth control and then I was fine.

    What is a low glycemic diet? I already have a lot of restrictions on mine. I can't eat bread that has gluten in it. I have gout, so I don't eat red meat, for the most part (pretty much chicken and turkey and lots of seafood for me), I avoid milk like the plague. I haven't been tested for lactose intolerance, but I'm pretty sure I'm either that or allergic to milk, because I have this weird bloated feeling after I drink milk. I get the same thing with yogurt and cheese, but to a much lesser degree. I eat the cheese anyway, because I love cheese and any soy alternative just doesn't match up. I also have to watch my sugar intake , because I'm borderline diabetic, also tough because well, it's summer and my family is having guests visiting from overseas, so that has kind of gone to hell.
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    mustnothrowcantelopes Posts: 116 Member
    @stefraab- My diary is open, but I don't feel comfortable sharing it with people who aren't on my friends list.
  • Got2believe
    Got2believe Posts: 31 Member
    yo, you know I have it too. after two weeks watching my diet, my body decided it wanted to make me feel like i was ovulating (last cycle was in jan). this was 2+ weeks ago. like clockwork, i'm now having migraine, trying to kill my guy (hes not too fond of me at the moment), and moody beyond all belief. The whole "i'm ovulating" thing caused me to binge eat, taking my 3lb loss, and making it a .2 gain, I dropped 1.4 this week, so i'm down to a total loss of 1.2, but what i'm trying to say, no matter how horrid it is, don't give up. I update my diary often, I count often, though sometimes (mood dependant) i miss stuff.
    Stay strong, its the ups and downs of being people like us. For all the work we are going through now, for all the lack of losses, for all the extra hair, anovulation, etc, it will pay off. I know that at healthier weights (though its HARD), cycles sometimes even out. Try the diets offered, maybe there is a way to reset the body ya know? right now i'd focus on it, but with the move... yea it can wait. (though moving boxes and furnishings up 3 staircases to our place will be exercise in itself). As for not exercising... you forgot to mention that your job is on your feet. that itself is exercise.
    stay strong
    now i'm gonna go back to moping until this thing gets here (yea right, i'll have PMS for 2 weeks until my body decides it changed its mind... i know the games ; ; )
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    @shellybsn - Haven't seen an endocrinologist in a long time. After trying practically every med under the sun and getting no results, I just gave up. I've also been on different anti-depressants in combination with birth control and I literally went crazy. I was crying every two seconds for no reason, until a client of my mom's who is a psychiatrist advised her to take me off the birth control and then I was fine.

    What is a low glycemic diet? I already have a lot of restrictions on mine. I can't eat bread that has gluten in it. I have gout, so I don't eat red meat, for the most part (pretty much chicken and turkey and lots of seafood for me), I avoid milk like the plague. I haven't been tested for lactose intolerance, but I'm pretty sure I'm either that or allergic to milk, because I have this weird bloated feeling after I drink milk. I get the same thing with yogurt and cheese, but to a much lesser degree. I eat the cheese anyway, because I love cheese and any soy alternative just doesn't match up. I also have to watch my sugar intake , because I'm borderline diabetic, also tough because well, it's summer and my family is having guests visiting from overseas, so that has kind of gone to hell.

    Even if you can't take any medications, you sound like you could still use a little support and monitoring. Some of the PCOS websites have docs who are familiar with PCOS. I think that you are just going to have to stay diligent, even when you aren't losing weight just to keep from gaining it. You may find that your body likes consistancy before it decides to give up a pound or two. Google low glycemic--it's good for diabetes and shouldn't interfere with gluten/gout restrictions as long as you avoid your personal trigger foods. Feel free to friend me...I thikn you could use all the support you can get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!