Cereal vs Shakeology?!?!

I typically eat what I think is a healthy breakfast... a bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal or something similar, but I've heard good things about the shakeology and am considering replacing cereal, or maybe alternating days.

Anyone have any distinct pros or cons between healthy high fiber cereal and a product like Shakeology?

I typically eat every couple hours through the day
7am bowl of cereal
8:30 piece of fruit
10:00 granola bar
noon turkey/chz on whole wheat
1:30 yogurt (unfortunatley, i like the fruit on bottom which has high sugar, albeit low fat)
3pm piece of fruit
5pm clif or harvest bar
dinner varies too much to describe.

I'd lover some tips from fitness profesionals are highly experienced people on how to improve my typical diet, or where to fit in soemthing like shakeology.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Have you tasted Shakeolgy? I got a sample and it was undrinkable. Also its $4 a shake, that would get expensive. I dont see the use for meal replacement shakes, why not just eat a meal?
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    I eat ceral or eggs for breakfast but days I am running behind or need a quick breakfast to get something in my tummy, I use Shakeology.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    It doesn't sound like you are getting enough calories unless your supper is around 700-900 calories!

    I love the Shakeology since I just put in a scoop of whey with it for breakfast and it is done! Not a time consuming meal.

    Nutrition simplified!
  • deesjourney2fit
    I personally like Shakeology, quite a bit. I don't drink it daily but if you use some of their recipes- you can get different flavors! I made a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Shakeology last week with Chocolate Shakeology and natural PB. I don't see any problem alternating. Although the cereal is high fiber, Shakeology has all that also. They always say its the most healthy meal of the day when you drink it. :O) Hope this helped a little.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    Shakeology has much more nutrients than anything you can have! And it all depends how you make it. The first time my hubby and I tried it we didn't make it very good..now we've figured it out and just love having it! I actually make mine like ice cream....my hubby has his more like a smooth! I put in PB and cinnamon and my hubby puts in PB and a banana! YUM!
  • davidcookfan
    davidcookfan Posts: 37 Member
    I don't use Shakeology. But i do use HERBALIFE meal replacemnt shakes. I have a shake for breakfast and lunch. I love the way they taste. The cafe latte taste like timmies iced capps. That is mine personal taste though. I know the shakes are healthy and by dinner comes arounds i have already had almost 60 grams of protien.
  • Lance76
    Lance76 Posts: 16
    shakeology actually doesn't have much fiber, but may have other factors that help digestive health..... my bowl of cereal costs ~$5/week instead of $5/day... so looks like I'm not going to go that route.
    unfortunately i only eat veggies a few times/week... so maybe that's where the benefit of shakeology will show up... lots of vitamins in it!
  • Millie77
    Millie77 Posts: 39
    As a mom of 4, I love that the protein shakes are quick. When I don't eat a 'real' meal, I love the Jillian Michaels chocolate protein shake. It taste great! It seems to keep me fuller than a regular meal for breakfast too. I don't do Shakeology because of the price, I just can't afford it right now.