Losing too much weight (Just a rant)

I am loosing too much weight. I'm 5' 3" went from 127lbs in April to 109-110, and my goal weight was 113lbs. I know I haven't been eating enough calories, and now I have to increase. I've been eating around 1000-1200 calories and barely exercising as of late. Now, I want to increase to 1400 and then eventually to 1600 and really get on top of my workouts again.

I'm sure most people realize that counting calories can become a bit of an addiction, so it makes me a little nervous that I'm going to eventually be eating 400-600 more calories a day. I know I'm not going to feel bad about the increase, but it's going to be difficult because I was comfortable with my previous food routine.

The other difficult part is that I know increasing is going to be an experiment. I don't know what amount of calories will work for my body and what won't, so it's going to take time and effort to find a good number I can rely on.

Counting calories made me feel so in control, and now I want to ween off the peace of mind I get from it.


  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Don't obsess over the number. You should be eating what is good for you, healthy for you, and keeping you at a healthy weight.

    If you are UNDER WEIGHT then there's nothing wrong with increasing your calories. I know it can be a bit rough if you've ever been fat and don't want to risk getting back there (god knows I understand that) but if you are being vigilant with your intake you should be able to throttle up or down accordingly.

    Best of luck to you.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    good for you for recognizing when you're getting TOO thin - I think its a good plan to do a 200 calorie/day increase for now - maybe do that for 3 weeks, see how it is, then go up another 200.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Try not logging for a week or so and give yourself a bit more freedom to eat. Trust those habits that you have developed. Good luck and I hope you get a handle on it. Because you are right, you can become obsessive and too little weight can be just as dangerous as too much.
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
    Don't obsess over the number. You should be eating what is good for you, healthy for you, and keeping you at a healthy weight.

    If you are UNDER WEIGHT then there's nothing wrong with increasing your calories. I know it can be a bit rough if you've ever been fat and don't want to risk getting back there (god knows I understand that) but if you are being vigilant with your intake you should be able to throttle up or down accordingly.

    Best of luck to you.

    Yeah, that is exactly my problem. The numbers really get to me. I will work hard on getting to a point where normal, healthy eating comes naturally.
  • jessicakaycobb
    i'm glad that you can see that you need to increase calories...sometimes when calorie-counting becomes addictive, it's difficult to see that you are developing a problem and want to fix it. it's really awesome that you want to do something about it!

    increase your calories super slowly at first, by about 100 calories a day for a week, and see what your body does. it's easy to up your calorie count this way by drinking a regular coke instead of diet, or eating a banana or a large apple or something. once you're used to eating 1100-1300 cals a day, up it again the next week by another 100. nothing too quick, or you will feel out of control and your body might freak out on you.

    good luck!!
  • misslyssx
    misslyssx Posts: 87
    Try not logging for a week or so and give yourself a bit more freedom to eat. Trust those habits that you have developed. Good luck and I hope you get a handle on it. Because you are right, you can become obsessive and too little weight can be just as dangerous as too much.

    I really like this suggestion :) Thank you!