OPERATION: Skinny B*tch (5/13-8/13) WEEK 9

HEEEEELLLLLOOOO All my Skinny B*tches. We have lost quite a few followers, but that's ok!! There will only be a few of us skinny b*tches runnin' around then!! :wink: ((BTW: ANYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN AT ANY TIME))
My Birthday is this coming Wednesday, I've had that day in my head as a goal to get into the 140s. I'm GOING to make it happen. Holidays always screw up my progress, so I've gained some weight, BUT I HAVE lost inches!!

Current Weight (7/8): 154.2
Weight lost since last week: +1.2lbs :(
Calories burned since last week: 317 tracked (I've done more than that, but didn't enter it here so I'm not sure)
Nutrition goal met?? yes.
How many miles did you travel this past week: not enough!

NEW GOALS for the week of 7/8 through 7/15:
Calorie burn goal: 8000
Weight loss goal: 6lbs. :bigsmile:
Nutrition goal: stay between 1200 and 1500 consumed, then eat 1/3 to 1/2 of exercise calories.

This week I want to hear about your recent NSVs!!!!

My recent NSVs:
*shorts, shorts and shorts!!!!! I've been wearing them allll the time... haven't in a few years!! I still think my legs are huge and fatty, but not as much haha :smile:
* new measurements as of today 7/8
Chest: 33
Waist: 26.75 (I haven't been below 27" since I was unhealthy!!)
Hips: 40.5 (Goal is to get to 38---thats what my hips were in high school.... i'd like them smaller than that too if I can!!)
Just for comparison's sake, here are my previous measurements:
JANUARY 2011: MARCH 2011:
Chest: 38.5 Chest: 36.5
Waist: 32 Waist: 29.5
Hips: 45 Hips: 43.5

I'm happy with my current measurements for sure!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

*Seeing a definite improvement after starting CTS360, weightloss supplement. I do not advocate for supplements, although I have had tremendous success with them before and it looks like I will again..... BUT I have seen many people suffer some serious consequences from taking them. I am taking the Maximum strength fat burner 1 pill 2x per day, with TONE 2 pills 2x per day, TONE is 'said' to shrink the fat cells, while preserving muscle mass (Thats the whole hype with this product: lose the fat but keep the muscle you've built----rather than some other products which you just lose WEIGHT... non-specifically) I'm definitely seeing an improvement in my measurements and the look of my body. I fell off taking it over the holiday weekend, so I'm excited to see how far I will get this next week! :bigsmile:



  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, you've dropped weight QUICK! awesome!
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    I would love to join :) i'm 5'2" currently....... (going to weigh right now) ok starting today 149.2lbs :( ive gained even though i'm doing p90x and watching my food!!) anyways my goal is 120-125 so have a ways to go... need to measure soon. my goal for week

    7-8 through 7-15
    burn 8000 cals (seems steep but i'm going to try super duper hard youve motivated me lol)
    weight loss - 5lbs
    calories - 1300 cal and 1/2 exercise cals plus stay below 90 carbs per day
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    Wow, you've dropped weight QUICK! awesome!

    Thank you! But I was having some medical issues, My birth control (MIRENA) Was ruining my life... and had been for years--- finally connected all the dots and had it taken out in mid-April, and was prescribed tenuate (appetite suppressant and metabolism booster) Since then I haven't had trouble losing!! No-birth control, No- problem losing!! :laugh:
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    I would love to join :) i'm 5'2" currently....... (going to weigh right now) ok starting today 149.2lbs :( ive gained even though i'm doing p90x and watching my food!!) anyways my goal is 120-125 so have a ways to go... need to measure soon. my goal for week

    7-8 through 7-15
    burn 8000 cals (seems steep but i'm going to try super duper hard youve motivated me lol)
    weight loss - 5lbs
    calories - 1300 cal and 1/2 exercise cals plus stay below 90 carbs per day

    AWESOME!!! I'm doing P90X too (although not as religiously as I should) But it's to be expected to gain a bit while doing p90x, It's all about changing the composition of your body!
  • amandaspags
    I'm down... I'm a bit taller but in the mid 140s and need to get to the 130s by August!!

    You think it was down to your birth control? Hmmm I may have to look into mine because usually I lose weight a lot faster than the way I am now, it's crazy!

    I gotta gym appointment with a personal trainer today, so I'm gonna just get hi to tell me how to drop the poundage fast and healthy... i've done it the unhealthy way before and so I'm looking to do it properly this time... it's just sadly taking more time.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    You think it was down to your birth control? Hmmm I may have to look into mine because usually I lose weight a lot faster than the way I am now, it's crazy!
    (I got Mirena in September 2008, removed April 2011. My problems started about 6 months in and got progressively worse until I had it removed, I never thought the issues were connected to the birth control because I was told over and over and over again that there were no side-effects because the hormones were localized to the uterus)

    YES!! It was ruining my life. My hair was falling out my skin was HORRIBLE-- even with everything I tried to clear the break-outs, My weight was out of control, depression was getting worse and worse making me gain and gain even more weight. Confusion, not being able to concentrate (I couldn't even pay attention to a lecture anymore and writing papers was disastrous! Something I NEVER struggled with) My memory was ****. I basically thought I was losing my mind.
    Had my thyroid testing, twice, different doctors.... normal.
    BLAH BLAH... Finally went to back to my OB for my annual and had a frank conversation with him saying look I want this thing out I think it is the root of all my problems. I was expecting him to argue with me and tell me I was imagining it, since the internal med. doc I went to see kind of looked at me like I was crazy for complaining about all these different things.... but my OB just looked at me and said "OK, I have taken out maybe 20-30 of the Mirena, and in about 20 of those cases removal solved all the issues"
    I literally lost 6 pounds overnight. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE IUD, that is marketed as having virtually no side-effects. B.S.!!!!
    I have decided to stay off birth control until I reach my goal weight, because BC tells your body that you are pregnant, therefore your body thinks it needs to hang on to fat and weight because there is a baby (a non-existent baaaby!)

    Anyway there is my rant about Mirena :bigsmile:
    It definitely taught me to look at ALLLLL the possible factors when something is going wrong!
  • amandaspags
    You think it was down to your birth control? Hmmm I may have to look into mine because usually I lose weight a lot faster than the way I am now, it's crazy!
    (I got Mirena in September 2008, removed April 2011. My problems started about 6 months in and got progressively worse until I had it removed, I never thought the issues were connected to the birth control because I was told over and over and over again that there were no side-effects because the hormones were localized to the uterus)

    YES!! It was ruining my life. My hair was falling out my skin was HORRIBLE-- even with everything I tried to clear the break-outs, My weight was out of control, depression was getting worse and worse making me gain and gain even more weight. Confusion, not being able to concentrate (I couldn't even pay attention to a lecture anymore and writing papers was disastrous! Something I NEVER struggled with) My memory was ****. I basically thought I was losing my mind.
    Had my thyroid testing, twice, different doctors.... normal.
    BLAH BLAH... Finally went to back to my OB for my annual and had a frank conversation with him saying look I want this thing out I think it is the root of all my problems. I was expecting him to argue with me and tell me I was imagining it, since the internal med. doc I went to see kind of looked at me like I was crazy for complaining about all these different things.... but my OB just looked at me and said "OK, I have taken out maybe 20-30 of the Mirena, and in about 20 of those cases removal solved all the issues"
    I literally lost 6 pounds overnight. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE IUD, that is marketed as having virtually no side-effects. B.S.!!!!
    I have decided to stay off birth control until I reach my goal weight, because BC tells your body that you are pregnant, therefore your body thinks it needs to hang on to fat and weight because there is a baby (a non-existent baaaby!)

    Anyway there is my rant about Mirena :bigsmile:
    It definitely taught me to look at ALLLLL the possible factors when something is going wrong!

    WOW! Okay... well if I don't lose any weight after next week (when it's been almost 3 months of trying and only getting max 5-10 lbs weight loss!!!!!) I'm gonna get my IUD removed...

    It makes sense you know the body hanging onto fat. It's never been this hard for me to lose weight before, so I'm thinking the BC may have something to do with it. I don't have many other side effects except getting my periods irregularly... but still. It may be the difference! Thanks for telling me your story!
  • ldgarcia
    ldgarcia Posts: 6
    Thanks for posting that about your Mirena. I was having the same problems with the Implanon implant but didn't connect the dots as well. I have had it out since April and have noticed amazing changes, thicker hair and a 15 lb weight drop. My Dr. tried to put me on the Mirena and thankfully I declined. I would have never thought to look into BC as being a reason I couldn't lose weight.
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    Howdy howdy! I'm still around, but I definitely did have to vanish for a bit due to lack of internet and also shame of not really pushing myself as hard as I had been in the very beginning. I went through a terrible 2.5 week rut. =/ Anyways, I am back!

    Current Weight (7/8): 133.5
    Weight lost since last week: 0.5lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 1,471
    Nutrition goal met?? DEFINITELY NOT.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: Too many, my feet were killing me after all that walking last Saturday.

    NEW GOALS for the week of 7/8 through 7/15:
    Calorie burn goal: 3,000
    Weight loss goal: 1-2lbs
    Nutrition goal: Higher protein, more fiber, more water and keeping it below 1,400 on the caloric intake on workout days and under 1,200 if I didn't workout.

    My recent NSVs:
    Well, I was on babysitting duty all of a sudden when my brother decided to drop by with my one-year old nephew, and while I was changing into something more baby durable (i.e clothes that I don't care too much for), my boyfriend caught a glimpse of the body I'd been hiding away from him for months. He went "Babe - you really DID lose weight! And you said you're still not at your goal? I can't wait until you reach it because right now... WOW" I almost had to wipe the drool off of his face instead of my nephew's. Haha. It definitely bolstered my mood, especially considering the fact that I was still in the middle of my rut last week.

    And oh! I can fit into my bras again much more comfortably! Though I sort of miss being a 36 C... it was a tad bit annoying trying to get the puppies to fit into my bras since I refused to go bra shopping (and plus I lacked the money for it anyhow). :laugh:
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Current Weight (7/8): 259.8
    Weight lost since last week: 1.4 lb - LOST! :)
    Calories burned since last week: 2,315 - well under my 6,000 goal. :(
    Nutrition goal met?? NO. I was 6 days over my calorie count.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 21.34 miles
    (11.89 walking & 9.45 Stationary Bike)

    NEW GOALS for the week of 7/8 through 7/15:
    Calorie burn goal: 3,000
    Weight loss goal: 2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: To be under my calorie goal with the exercise calories
    I will travel a total of 30 (20 walking & 10 bike) miles.
    My Thoughts: I'm finally at home for now. My Mom is still very sick but I can now focus on myself (exercise/eating) until I may need to go back to Chicago. She's stable now and I can continue with my program. Life is good!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    what happened to week 8? I kept searching the forum and couldn't find it; I thought you'd quit!

    I'll log back in tonight and post my stats and info.

  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    what happened to week 8? I kept searching the forum and couldn't find it; I thought you'd quit!

    I'll log back in tonight and post my stats and info.



    hahaha! ME QUIT?!?! Ohhh hush!! I've got 1.2 more pounds and I'm in the 140s, I can't quit now!?!?! Hope you had a great week, can't wait to read about how you did!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Current Weight (7/8): 130.2 - I am only 3.2 lbs. from goal :)
    Weight lost since last week: -1.0 lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 2155
    Nutrition goal met?? mostly.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 76

    NEW GOALS for the week of 7/8 through 7/15:
    Calorie burn goal: 3000-4000
    Weight loss goal: .5 - 1.0
    Nutrition goal: net 1530 (just changed my weight loss goal to .5 lb/week so I get 250 more calories!!)
    NSV #1: zipped up two size-2 dresses that I haven't been able to wear in 2 summers!
    NSV #2: have successfully addicted the hubby to MFP and he has lost just over 20 lbs! He is just as obsessed as me now and logs on all day long to track his food. It's got him exercising daily again too!!
  • geenie18
    geenie18 Posts: 7
    I'd like to join! You're great inspiration, I have two skinny b**** sisters, love them to death, and really wanna be one too!
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Current Weight (6/24): 133.4 lbs
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned since last week: not at all reached my goal
    Nutrition goal met: Was way over, had most of the time at least 8 cups of water to drink
    How many miles did you travel this past week: not enough

    NEW GOALS for the week of 6/24 through 7/1:
    Calorie burn goal: 3000
    Weight loss goal: 2 lbs
    Nutrition goal: be within the limits all week long!

    My bf is on business trip from today till thursday, and he'll leave for another business trip on saturday and will return next week thursday. Hope I can work out every day and stay within my cal. limits! Hope to report some progress next week!

    Have a nice week everyone!
  • pixycats
    pixycats Posts: 62
    Current Weight (7/8): 123.4
    Weight lost since last week: 2.6lbs
    Calories burned since last week: ~2500
    Nutrition goal met?? Yep.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: A lot!

    NEW GOALS for the week of 7/8 through 7/15:
    Calorie burn goal: 2500
    Weight loss goal: 1-2lbs
    Nutrition goal: Healthy and Clean eating!

    NSV: I've had several recently! But I think overall my biggest NSV is just feeling comfortable in my clothes and body again. I feel like I can wear anything and not be worried about what I look like. This is HUGE for me. :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    where is week 10? I can't find it anywhere; don't know why I'm suddenly having this problem.