MUST READ! You wont believe what some CO put in your food...



  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I don't trust the FDA at all anymore. I also don't understand why lobbiests exist. Can someone explain that to me?

    I dont trust them at ALL either...right now they are trying to pass a bill that outlaws any supplements made after 1994...we can say goodbye to vitamins!!

    Wow, talk about spreading false rumors...

    It is NOT an attempt to ban all supplements. Rather, just an effort to keep track of all NEW ingredients that have not yet been proven or experienced to be safe. I'm pretty sure your precious vitamins will be safe....

    With all of the crazy new weight loss pills and supplements that have saturated the market, I believe the FDA is simply trying to make a sincere effort to provide at least a small measure of protection against false claims and dangerous ingredients.

    And if you don't trust them at "ALL", then feel free to chow down on their list of recalled foods.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    You know what else is full of cellulose?? Lettuce! Yes, those b****ards at Green Giant are making us eat 'wood pulp'!!

    Every plant derived food is full of cellulose - anything with a cell wall. Cell walls are cellulose.

    So, yes, if the outrage is more about getting what you paid for, i.e., 'I wanted fat and meat, dammit, and I'm being shafted with plant fiber!', then ok, this is maybe an issue. If however, this is more about 'artificial' additives in food, I would worry about other things before this.

    Think of it like this - what is it about 'wood' that is bothersome? If the cellulose were derived from broccoli, or lettuce, or seaweed, would that be an issue? Is it because wood is inedible for humans? We eat 'pre-wood' all the time (any non lignified plant material, particulalry leaf stems. What about an apple stalk, that's wood too). Sorry if this comes off as really flippant, but I think perspective is lacking here.

    I understand where you are coming from but in this instance it is false advertising, basically adding a bulking agent to foods and it is not "plant fiber" it is leftovers that are cheaper for the companies to add in then actual ingredients. Say what you want but its things like this and other additives in processed foods that have lead America into obesity, diabetes, heart disease ect..

    Hm, I tend to think that what has led (not only) America into obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc, is poor basic knowledge of biology that would permit the average consumer to accurately assess how much and what types of foods are better to ingest than others. Coupled with a general unwillingness to forego such calorie laden, nutrient sparse foods for healthier options. Lack of personal responsibility and poor educational availability, not evil corporations, are the important factors here. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to insult anyone here, these are general comments not directed and anyone personally.

    ETA: BTW, it's not false advertising unless the product specifically claims to be free of something that it does actually contain. The mere presence of an additive in a processed food is not, in and of itself, false advertising. If it said '100% pure sausage meat!' and contained cellulose, then ok, false advertising. If not, an additive included and duly listed in the ingredients (as apparently all these examples were), then it's fine.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    but its things like this and other additives in processed foods that have lead America into obesity, diabetes, heart disease ect..

    No. It is us eating too much and not exercising enough that has lead Americans into obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc.
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    And as for wood being "inedible".... What do you think cinnamon is?? (which has been shown to have health benefits, btw.)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Wait a minute... Chicken McNuggets AREN'T on that list?! That's a bigger shock to me than what is on the list. I always thought sawdust was the primary ingredient in those nasty things.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Ah well, I don't eat anything from those brands. NO fast food at all, and none of those processed foods either. I did used to eat the Morningstar Buffalo Wings, but this year have really cracked down on my I don't include those.

    My policy is that I want 90% of my food to be natural, unprocessed. The 10% that isn't, needs to not have anything artificial or unpronounceable (or sugar) added to it. Basically, I need to be able to reproduce that food item in my kitchen without accessing a laboratory or buying special ingredients.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    and here I thought it was my husband that was trying to feed me wood.... :noway:

    Oh my. I am blushing.:blushing:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Meh, I don't think this "wood" be a problem.

    Get it?



    Wow, tough crowd.

    HAHAHA! Good one.

    Fact, processed foods are not the same as a homemade version would be. So, yes, lots of "additives" (chemicals, cellulose, etc) gets used instead to mass produce food cheaply.

    What is sad is that we have not educated ourselves better on that reality. Food labels have been around for a long time. The information is there. We are responsible for understanding what we put in our mouth.

    It'd be nice if what you bought in a box was exactly the same as how you'd make it at home, but it's not, and hasn't been for a long time. I suspect food would cost a lot more if we insisted it was.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    and here I thought it was my husband that was trying to feed me wood.... :noway:

    :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It's kind of funny that the first item that shockingly contains "wood" is MAPLE syrup.

    I mean... really? They're shocked that maple syrup has tree fibers in it? Where did they think maple syrup came from?

    What's the next alarm gonna be? That potato chips are made from plant roots?