losing weight while recovering from an injury

Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and the website. I just started up last week, although I fell off the wagon a little bit around the 4th of July :ohwell:

Back in February, I started jogging, and over the course of three months I made my way up to 3.25 miles on the treadmill at about 5.4 mph. One day, my left shin started hurting, but it wasn't bad so I kept running on it. It got worse and worse until after a week I couldn't run anymore and it hurt to walk. I know it was stupid of me to push through the pain--learned my lesson there! Anyway, I think I may have a mild stress fracture (if that exists), and research tells me I need to take 3 months off of the high impact stuff to let it heal. I can walk, do elliptical training, and do the stationary bike, but I stay at home with my 8 month old daughter right now. This leaves me with taking walks when it's not too hot out. Walking with an injury doesn't burn a ton of calories, so I'm wondering if anybody has some different suggestions.

I'd also like to know if anyone here has had to recover from a stress fracture before, and what they did to stay in shape and continue to lose weight. I was at 210 right before I gave birth, and now I'm at 178, which is 6 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and 38 lbs from my long term goal. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!