Aqua Classes

Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
Anyone done em before or are doing em??

First off, a little background...bad knees run in my family. I'm 26 and have already been told I'll probably need knee surgery when I'm older. Almost a year ago I was going walking with a friend and one day my knee started hurting really bad and it just kept getting worse so I stopped walking. Went to the Dr, he recommened physical therapy. I never went cause I couldn't afford it and had no one to babysit my kids. I would get down on the floor with my kids and I couldn't get back up, that's how bad it hurt. Once it got better, I started working out again, it wasn't bugging me at all but I was still scared of it hurting. I tried a class the other day that involved running on a treadmill and I think that trigured my knee cause it started hurting like before. So today I decided I'd do an aqua class and stick with doing that.

Which brings me to wonder, do you actually lose weight doing these aqua classes? I'm so worried about if this is something I do every day, and then not seeing any results later on..


  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    Water aerobics classes are great for you. Any aerobic activity that gets your heart rate up for a consistent period of time will help you lose weight. Swimming is fabulous for those of us with crapped out joints because it takes the impact away from them. And as an added bonus, even though you're working hard, the cool water keeps you from sweating too much!
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    I did a class at our YMCA with my mom last summer. I don't remember if I lost any weight, but I definitely lost a lot of the flab in my arms and some in my thighs. But of course I gained it all back once I went back to school... :P I have a bad knee too and I really enjoyed the class! Unfortunately we didn't go back this year....
  • sukey3x3
    sukey3x3 Posts: 1
    I just learned how to swim at my local Y and its definitely working for me! It's slimming down and toning my arms and midriff for sure. Plus it feels so good! I swim laps for an hour and try to make sure that I push a little (go faster when I'm up to it or working my muscles during the swim stroke) and not just glide along. I think you have to make sure you're working hard enough to make it really work.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    I started swimming at the Y a month ago because I have a bad back ( at the age of 31). It is great. It's low impact, I lost weight, as well as inches..
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I go about 9 times a week (a couple of days I go twice). I wear a HRM in the pool and I burn between 250 and 350 calories an hour, depending on which instructor is teaching. Some lead a much more intense class. It is all low impact though. I have been averaging 1-2 pounds a week. The only other exercise I do is walking. I think they work and they sure are refreshing on a hot day like today. They are great physical therapy too! Good luck!
  • MistyDC29
    MistyDC29 Posts: 99 Member
    I love deep water running! I started doing that last summer and was losing weight. I would try it if I were you. See how it feels. You can get a great workout from it!