Is there really any hope for this loose skin??

Ok so here's the facts.... In Oct. 2010 I started my weight loss, to date I have lost 82 lbs. And while Im proud of the weight loss I have failed miserably at exercise and fitness. Now of course I have quite a bit of loose skin and Im wondering if there is really any hope of toning at least some of it up with exercise. Would never concider surgery!!! But what a shame to have lost the weight and still have to hide arms and legs. Also I need work to "somewhat" flatten my middle spare tire. Any tips??


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Surgery is the only option for major skin changes.

    Even though I've lost slow and steady and toned as I went I'm still going to have excess belly skin.

    Only you can decide how much it bothers you and if surgery is an option or not.

    As for the middle you'll need to do core exercises to work those muscles but if there is still fat or skin over them it will be something that's hard to see definition in, so don't get discouraged. You can't spot reduce weight, it comes off where it wants to (and tummy is almost always last :/ )
  • Jodi_O
    Jodi_O Posts: 32
    I feel your plight. I have three children, ages 3 years, 17 months and two months old. I am worried that the stretched out skin on my abdomen won't "shrink" back down once I've lost the weight. Am I always going to have saggy skin on my stomach?
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    This topic offers help for it...sounded really reasonable...just search for this topic...hope it helps:flowerforyou:
    TOPIC: Loose skin and losing alot of weight

    I realize you cannot get there by here is what was said:

    After I had lost 128 pounds I didnt like the loose skin I was having. I read an article that said sometimes its good to take some time off from losing and concentrate on toning and maintaining and skin will take care of itself. By no means did I get perfect with it but it did make a huge difference. I maintained for 10 weeks and worked out hard and ate all my calories to maintain. This is something that worked for me and I thought I would share.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    You can tone the muscle underneath but you cannot tone skin. Drink lots of water, use lotion everyday and after a while it might start to pull back. However, if you have lots of loose skin it's a health hazard in and of itself. You might start getting skin infections so if you have a lot, be sure to go to a doctor. Surgery might be the best option.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Start working out now. At this point, your age, health and genetic makeup are going to determine how well your skin tones up to fit what's underneath. Older skin is less "elastic" than younger skin. I've seen quite a few people report that it mostly tightens up over time, but it may take a year or two. However, it won't do it all without some help from you to make it more toned.

    As you've probably seen by now, slow and steady weight loss, combined with exercise are what keeps the loose skin from developing in the first place. By working out, you'll hopefully keep any more loose skin from developing as you continue to lose weight.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    I have the same issue. BUT i see my skin as a blessing... and yes the exercise DOES help. i am 1 year into maintenance... and people don't see the skin like i do. my belly is something that will never go away... and again, i see it as a blessing... in fact, i did a video on this exact topic... perhaps that will explain it best. :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Before you consider surgery as the only option, make sure you give yourself at least 2 years at goal weight, while working out with weights to tone and strengthen. You might be surprised.

  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    This is a hard one to answer because it can vary greatly depending on the person. My mom had 3 kids practically back to back - 14 months between each one. She has beautiful skin - no stretch marks - her stomach went right back afterwards. My older sister got terrible stretch marks during pregnancy and her skin was more loose even after losing all the weight. For me, I have never been severely overweight but I think pregnancy stretches your stomach out quite a bit. ;) So far, I've been pretty lucky and think I am more like my mom.

    I think exercise can help but I also think that some people will just have better luck with their skin tightening back than others will.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Bump. I would love info on this too
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    Ok so here's the facts.... In Oct. 2010 I started my weight loss, to date I have lost 82 lbs. And while Im proud of the weight loss I have failed miserably at exercise and fitness. Now of course I have quite a bit of loose skin and Im wondering if there is really any hope of toning at least some of it up with exercise. Would never concider surgery!!! But what a shame to have lost the weight and still have to hide arms and legs. Also I need work to "somewhat" flatten my middle spare tire. Any tips??
    Massages:stomach and lipomassages also compression suits just like for people who have surguery and lots of water. But you have to be careful with them they have their limits and could cause problems if you already have a condtion.

    I've been looking at compression suits on the net I have 60 pounds to lose...I saw a young lady on youtube who did it. She looks pretty good for the amount of weight she lost on a liquid diet. I think she is called Impatient Dieter.
  • irtata43
    irtata43 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks, I have 8 lbs until I reach my goal weight. I plan to start a toning program bf then and will remember the advice. I guess I needed to here that someone else had at least some success with regaining tone.. I don't be any strech of the imagination expect to be tight and tone again, for one thing I'm 49, lol. But I would like to at least not feel like I had to hid my arms.. I don't have so much that I will have an issue with skin infections or anything like that, just quite unsightly. :)
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I spoke with my doc about this very same thing and she told me that she coupld recommend a surgeon but she wants me to keep exercising, continue to lose the weight slowly, and wait a minimum of a year and up to 2 while toning an exercising to see how much the skin will will naturally skrink on its own before considering the surgery. So I am going to take her advice. I have noticed my abs have been tightening a little bit. I'm mostly wanting to focus on my arms and thighs over the next 12-18 months.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    At a certain age there is less elasticity in the skin. I fully intend to have my wings clipped and I hate the idea of surgery but I hate these flabby arms more!!

    Working out will give you better definition under the skin and losing weight slowly IS best. With better muscle definition the surgeon will have a better idea of what approach to take ;)
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    LOVE this response.
    At a certain age there is less elasticity in the skin. I fully intend to have my wings clipped and I hate the idea of surgery but I hate these flabby arms more!!

    Working out will give you better definition under the skin and losing weight slowly IS best. With better muscle definition the surgeon will have a better idea of what approach to take ;)
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    This is a great topic. I have always wondered the answer to this question... Its nice to see it in black and white I guess.
    I wonder if I will have this issue?

    I am 26 about to be 27 and I have never been pregnant so my tummy has never been stretched because of this.
    I do have quite a bit of weight to lose.... I think if you look at my ticker its says like 142lbs or something..... That is a whole human right there.... lol.