Binge lying in bed and can barely move



  • ASmiles
    ASmiles Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for posting this. It is something I struggle with every time I try to make changes to my lifestyle. I've found that if I wait too long to eat -- and get just a little bit too hungry -- I will make an excuse to eat ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I want. That is something I am really working on. I have to make sure I feed the hunger a nice healthy snack as SOON as it starts so I don't get to the point of going overboard. It helps me to know that others struggle with this too.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    In case this may help ANYONE -- here are some quotes/guidelines/words of wisdom that I have swirling in my head that help me if I feel a binge mood coming on...

    1. Eat good, healthy foods
    2. Eat appropriate portions
    3. Work on your issues

    "Everything I put into my mouth will either bring me closer to what I want or will delay me from reaching my goals"

    "Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign that something is eating us"

    "Happy is Healthy. Healthy is Happy"

    and of course the good ol'.... "Nothing tastes as good as HEALTHY feels"

    "Food does't have to equal failure... failures do not have to equal forever"

    "I am allowed to fail but ONE failure does not justify continued failure"

    "You cannot value success without first experiencing failure"

    "The past does not equal or dictate the future"

    "Achievement is surround by desire"

    "Weak desire = weak results"

    "My body keeps an accurate journal regardless of what I write down"

    "You may delay but time will not"

    Thank you for sharing. It is so difficult to keep a binge from happening and they come on strong. Within 90 minutes I can can go through 2 or 3 days worth of calories. Focusing on how hard I've worked to get the weight off and how good it feels does help.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    As you already recognize, you seem to be doing the binging when you are not getting time to eat your planned meals. Just try your best to find a few minutes every few hours to get a healthy snack. My sister works 12 shifts as a nurse and I know she often says that the cannot eat sometimes when they are busy.

    You have done really well and I applaud your success.
  • committed120
    Wow! I know exactly how you feel. I lost my mind this past weekend.

    Now, I typically only binge when I'm stressed out. I'm an emotional eater. I've been learning to control that since last April, but this weekend I just lost my mind. I've gained 6 lbs over the last 2 weeks and I'm trying to get it in control again. I can't keep snack stuff in the house either. I really don't even like it anymore. But when I'm stressed I overeat.

    However, I'm determined I will not regain another pound and I will lose this last 50 lbs.

    Hang in there and don't beat yourself up about it. Just refocus as best you can and if you have to, start small and rebuild. You can do it!