people that have lost 15 or more pounds



  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    MFP is my GOD, it's the only true weight loss I believe in~!!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    First time I lost without MFP - but my body was not so well shaped, because I was not exercising. More body fat on me.
    Second time I used MFP and it helped me a lot to stay on track and get various opinions and information.
    No supplements, nothing like that... I believe most of us can do this on our own and that is the healthiest way for me:)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I lost about 2 pounds before I started on MFP. But the other 37 were from after I started this site, and although my "days in a row" doesn't show it, I have logged every single day since. (But sometimes I didn't have internet, lol)
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Every single ounce I've lost has been while using MFP for the past 7 months.

    That's incredible. YOu have lost nearly 100 pounds in only 7 months? I didn't even think that was possible!
    I only want/need to lose about 25-35lbs, and can't fathom how long it is going to take.

    I'm proof that it's possible. I started on December 6th, tipping the scales at 255 lbs. My weight this morning was 158.4.

    Shooting for 149.8 by August 29th. (the day classes start up again for the Fall semester)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have lost 21 pounds using only MFP. I started here on 2/15/11. I have 30 total to lose and plateaued for a good two months so I understand the not losing frustration! My best advice to anyone would be stick with it. If you are consuming less calories than you are burning, the weight will eventually come off. Unfortunately patience isn't one of my strong suits. :wink:

    I am editing to add, I followed the MFP guidelines and didn't do low carb or anything. They only difference is I try to beat the numbers (i.e. go "in the red") for fiber and protein every day, as I think the MFP goals are too low. I also have only eaten "real" food, as in no protein shakes, no meal replacement bars or shakes...just regular food.
  • mrsclc
    mrsclc Posts: 73
    Just using this, and different workouts on DVD. Working out is just as important as eating right. And eating less does not mean eating right, which is what I have been struggling with.

    So true! :smile:
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 26 lbs using mfp. No diet pills just multivitamins. Logged my food everyday, healthy or not (but of course I tried to stick to healthy choices) and I worked out 6 days a week at home. Logging my food really put into perspective just how much I was eating and how outrageous my portions were. Good luck to you!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I started out back on Dec 28th, 2010 with Livestrong....they have an app and website very similar to MFP. I lost 10 pounds before finding MFP, and then I switched. I like MFP's friend feature (helps with motivation), and the database on food items here is better than any other I have found.
    I am down 39.8 pounds as of today since December. But, I don't just count calories. I also workout (Currently TurboFire).....I try to be active everyday. I go to the gym, take Zumba classes, horseback riding, etc. The exercise REALLY makes a difference. I notice I get much better results when I exercise than when I don't. I also love to eat the excersize allows me to eat more each day...because I eat back all of my exercise calories. It's a win-win for me...exercise let's me eat more and speeds up my I burn more fat during the day....yay! :)
    I also use Shakeology everyday. When I started out, I was using multi-vitamins and protein shakes. I switched to Shakeology in March and love it. It replaces my multi-vitamins as well as my protein shakes and also serves as a meal replacement sometimes. Works really great when I get home very late and am hungry because I missed dinner...for 200-300 calories I can have that and know it's healthy and doesn't ruin my day of being so good! lol That's always been a big hurdle for me because I am such a busy person....running from work to horses, to meetings, to rehearsals....never time to eat unless hitting a drive thru or waiting until I get home STARVING and eat more than I should at 11pm at night! Carrying a bag full of healthy snacks has helped that as well....100 calorie packs of nuts, granola bars, etc....really helps me stay on track.
    I think the important thing is to try as many different options as you can when you are starting out....everyone is different and what works for one person may or may not work for another. It's also important to give each thing you try the time to make a difference. Don't switch things up and expect big results in a matter of days....give it a month or 6 weeks. Be sure to keep accurate measurements not only on your weight, but your inches too. Often times I have not lost a pound in a week's time, but lost an inch on my waist and hips! Those little things can really keep you motivated when the scale isn't cooperating!
    Good luck with your new lifestyle! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I have lost 21 pounds using only MFP. I started here on 2/15/11. I have 30 total to lose and plateaued for a good two months so I understand the not losing frustration! My best advice to anyone would be stick with it. If you are consuming less calories than you are burning, the weight will eventually come off. Unfortunately patience isn't one of my strong suits. :wink:

    I am editing to add, I followed the MFP guidelines and didn't do low carb or anything. They only difference is I try to beat the numbers (i.e. go "in the red") for fiber and protein every day, as I think the MFP goals are too low. I also have only eaten "real" food, as in no protein shakes, no meal replacement bars or shakes...just regular food.

    I agree with the higher fiber and protein....I always go over on those as well. Both help to "fill you up" and make it easier to get through the day without feeling hungry. And if you are working out, the protein is important for building lean muscle.
  • otgrouch
    otgrouch Posts: 21
    I have lost all my weight by following MFP. A good thing to remember is to not weigh yourself too often.. I had this problem in the beginning and was a little discouraged.. I then decided to only weigh myself once a week.. I also measure myself once a month..I have had some weeks tht were not good but as soon as i got back on track it was all good.. Some weeks I lose nothig but I feel better than I did before I lost the 16 punds...Good luck.. you can do it
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    I actually started my own weight loss plan for the first week, then found the MFP app on my Android. I've stuck with it ever since. I find it simple to use, and I have a great support team here. It's not always easy, but the 38lb loss reminds me I never want to get back to my starting weight. :)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Completely lost weight using MFP, though I don't use the guided goal settings. I base mine off of lean body mass BMR and change my ratios to 40/30/30 (C/F/P), decreased the sodium, increased the fiber and potassium.

    I do adore the set your calorie goal to baseline and add back exercise calories. Otherwise I would have been screwed in June. :bigsmile:

    edit to add: Forgot supplements, obviously need ginko or something. :laugh: I take a daily multi-vitamin (prenatal) for iron and other goodies, just in case my food doesn't get me there, glucosamine for my knees, and fish oil just because I know I'm not getting enough Omega-3s from my regular food to balance all the Omega 6s.
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    MFP just made it easier for me to keep track of everything. Before I found MFP I was trying to keep track of everything in a notebook. This way it's much easier and much more encouraging!:flowerforyou: I did lower my calorie intake to less than what MFP says though.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    I started by doing nothing else but logging. I can not see your diary so not sure what your calorie intake is or exercise level. When I began I restricted myself to 1200 calories a day but I did no exercise and lost 25lbs in about 7months. Then I stated exercising and I raised my calorie intake and lost the rest.

    Not sure how to let you see my diary? New to navigating all of these "tools". I try to exercise 5 times a week.

    It is under your settings
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    I haven't done anything other than MFP and exercise.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I have lost 45.4 pounds since mid March only using MFP and exercising regularly. I do try to limit my carbs, but other than that I don't do anything special, no 'diets' for me. The only supplement I use (except for a multi vitamin and calcium) is I usually drink a smoothie with a scoop of protein powder after a workout.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I've only been using MFP & Exercise. I found if I tried to tweak it myself, or mix to many other "ideas" (like low carb, or only tea or whatever) just messes me up and I end up getting set back.

    But just a side note about the SW vs MFP weight on tickers. Some people reset there tickers every 30lbs, 50lbs etc. So say they start at 230, and reach their first mini goal of 200, they might reset their ticker to a starting weight of 200. Hope that makes sense.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just wondering if you did it by sticking to MFP alone or you used other weightloss techniques/programs? Sometimes peoples' tickers say SW is one thing and then the MFP starting weight is much lower. Just trying to gain feedback. I still haven't lost a pound, so its frustrating. I know I had a few mess up days but also had good days-and I weigh what I weighed before I started this whole thing! And I forget to log it but I drink well over my intake for water every day. Does anyone take supplements? That actually work and don't feel like you are swallowing 5 horse pills at once?


  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I lost all of my weight several years ago without MFP but I did the same thing. I kept a notebook on my island and wrote down every single thing I ate. I had a calorie level of 1600 calories. I broke my hadn a year ago, got lazy, quit working out and put on 20lbs and had a hard time taking it off. I found MFP and loved that I could put my food on my phone and look things up too so I have been using it to drop the 20lbs.
  • bloodlesscoup
    bloodlesscoup Posts: 32 Member
    I started on SparkPeople but got kind of, I dunno, overwhelmed with how much stuff is on there, lending itself to tedium. So far, I like MFP quite a lot.