Recommending MFP without being RUDE?

barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
My boyfriend's ex girlfriend from like 5 years ago is a really good friend of his family (because they live in a small town & her brother is best friends with his brother), so I have hung out with her a few times, and we get along really well. I don't really see her that much, or i would say we are better friends.

Anyways, her brother lives much closer, and he always complains about how unhappy his sister is and how she keeps gaining weight, ETC. Whenever I go home with my boyfriend, people always mention something rude about her weight gain (which is really really rude, but I try to stick up for her).

Anyways, she is having a very hard time losing weight and she has GAINED close to 70 pounds in the past 9 months. I just don't think it's my place to say anything to her because I'm her ex's new boyfriend, and I don't want her to be offended. I kind of want to stay out of it, but I know this site would help her =[ !

What to dooo?!


  • Rizyx
    Rizyx Posts: 7 Member
    ask her to go running with you as you would like the company, or have her do whatever activities you do to keep in shape, if she is going to flip out on you for trying to help then maybe she is not a very good friend and you shouldnt even bother but im sure she isnt so ask her to join you in some kind of cardio activity, also make sure she watches her calories (food intake)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Have you mentioned it to her brother? If she talks to him about it she may listen to him if he suggests it.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?

    I love this idea!!!
  • skoch8
    skoch8 Posts: 5
    Maybe just trying casually mentioning the site without saying "hey you need this!" But just say that's it's done wonders for you and that she should check it out if she's interested.
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    Suggest her brother tells her about MFP - he doesn't have to mention you at all, he can say "a couple of people have said they've done really well on this site.." or something like that, sometimes the best opener is if they say something reflecting that they'd like to lose weight.

    you're a lovely person for your approach to this...
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?

    This is a great idea! It's kind of what my sister did that got me here!!
  • nevareg
    nevareg Posts: 260 Member
    Don't think of it as rude, if she actually told you she's having a really hard time losing then that's where you should tell her "hey I know this website that helped me out" or something like that. I know if I told a friend I wanted to lose weight but couldn't, I would want her to suggest something that I might have not tried (if she were to know of something of course) But maybe if you bring it up out of blue then I could see how it might come off as being rude. Just pick the right moment!! Good luck :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah, I would say you love the site and get a lot out of it and ask her if she wants to join and be your MFP so you can support each other even though you don't live close. If you could say that, she might check it out. But she might not be ready. I tell everyone about it if they mention trying to lose or getting in shape or training for something.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Are you facebook friends? I link mfp info weekly on my fb page for family & friends. That way your really not talkin to her
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Had this same situation and just discussed MFP in her presence, but with another person who was curious about what I was doing (because I'd lost weight). I described all the features, iPhone capability, and on and on with nauseating enthusiasm (No doubt). :-)
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?

    I love this one! Definitely let her know what kind of progress you made with this site and how user friendly it is. Everyone is also very nice here! :smile:
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?

    I love this idea!!!

    I'm with the crafty but tactful girls on this one too!
  • Hmm, that's tough, I can see why you'd be worried because of the situation. Maybe play around on here next time you're with her, when she starts to ask what you're doing or "why you're addicted to your phone" start raving about how MFP is so addicting and how much it's helped you?

    I second this. Just try to casually bring it up.
  • I would just be like o my goodness I found this really cool website and I love it! It has helped me lose weight and has totally changed my life! Make it about you and not her when you mention. When people see your results and find out what you're doing their more willing to try it, rather than you just saying o you need to try this. It works trust me! I've used the backwards way of mentioning things to friend before and it has always worked for me! Good luck! : )
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