Gym/Workout Hair



  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I was still thinking of this while I got my haircut today and I suddenly remembered Buffs! They are just tubes of stretchy cloth you can wear on your head really. I've also had middling good luck (and so much cheaper) with cutting off the legs of old yoga pants and making my own halfa$$ homemade "buff". Less intrusive to a boxing routine than a "gym hat" I'd think.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    One of my derby friends has hair down to her thighs. She wears braids. When I had longer hair, it got the least messed up when I wore french braids. They are pretty easy to do once you learn how. I went a year in high school when I did french braids almost everyday. My hair was amazingly healthy from it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My hair is thick but not as long as it's been before but I have to put it in a tight messy bun so it doesn't move around. You could also braid it first and then wrap it into a bun.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I go with a ponytail and bobby pins to hold back the fringe if it's really annoying me. Friends of mine favour the headband though.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I'm super low-maintenance (ie not very girly) and I have long (mid-back), thick hair with longish bangs. The only way I can manage my hair during a run or workout is 2 french braid pigtails starting high and up towards the front to catch the bangs. Anything else falls out and I have hair hanging in my face for the rest of my workout. At first it seems like it'd be kind of involved or time consuming, but it really gets the job done, and once it's done you won't have to give your hair a second thought for your entire workout.