Tell us about your support group! :)

JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
I've read a lot of posts and it's SO easy to feel like everyone has a bad spouse who either needs divorcing, counseling, or a swift kick in the pants. Or that our parents, roommates, friends, are sabotaging us. It's SO easy to focus on the negative in life - and as overweight folks, I think I can safely say we've done a lot of it in our pasts.

Now, I'm not saying these boards shouldn't be used for venting and problem solving. They are great for that! I believe in putting good vibes out there to counteract the negatives ones.

So let's mix things up and send some positive vibes out there!
Tell us about the top 3 support/inspirational people out there for you! it could be a friend, family member, MFP pal, or even a celebrity!

1) My Sailor! We have similar weight loss goals. He supports me, works out with me sometimes, and reminds me that he's loved me no matter what my size has been over the last 13 years. We share the same goal - show off our healthy lifestyle and bodies for our Vow Renewal/wedding next year!

2) Valerie - While she's not yet ready to dive into the weight loss battle, we encourage each other and often remind each other that we are "bigger than our bodies give us credit for" and capable of so much more than we dreamed! Her friendship reminds me that I AM a TWO TIME TRIATHLETE - and one of those times, I was in the middle of an Ovarian Cancer scare/battle! If I can do that, I can do anything.

3) My Sisters in law - all of them have been amazingly supportive and helped relieve my stress when I married their brother and they had yet to meet me! Their love, acceptance, and ambitions to better themselves keep me inspired, and supported.

Sure - there are naysayers out there, but I accept those as a challenge! Like Walt Disney once said - "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."