I need some motivation

So, since December of 2010 I've gone from 235 to 177. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic about losing that much weight; however, it kind of sucks knowing that you lost the equivalent of a small child and are still fat. I have 17 more pounds to go before I am officially no longer considered overweight, but I feel like I'm running out of steam. Maybe a new workout or something would help push me? Any suggestions?


  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    find a goal that's not just weight loss related. is there anything that you really want to achieve?
    the only way i've kept my motivation is by putting myself down to run a half marathon in october. so i've got to do all of the training in order to be able to run that on the day.

    what do you want to do? find something that motivates you enough to get up and make it a priority.

    hope that helps- it works for me :-)
  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    I'm really similar to you. I started around 225 and have just gotten below 170. I am ecstatic about losing that weight! I'm also still somewhat overweight, obviously, but healthier than ever and excited about exercise. If I never get below where I am now, I'm still so much better off than I was over 50 lbs ago.
    The motivation is your health and how you feel. I just signed up for a Boot Camp fitness class. So that's my next step in motivation. Try something like that, something new if you can, that will change your routine up just a little bit.
    Add aerobics, or kickboxing, or zumba - just do something a to change it up a little that will work your body just that much differently so you will continue to see results and be encouraged.
    You've done some amazing things! So obviously you're determined and strong. KEEP IT UP!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Try pilates. Ever since I started it six months ago, I look forward to working out every morning.
  • EmmaVata
    EmmaVata Posts: 1 Member
    First of all try not to think of yourself as fat now, you arent fat, you have lost an incredible amount of weight! My problem and I think that of a lot of people I know is that when photos are taken of you at the time you allways hate them, you think "ohh my god I look soo fat, dont you dare show me that photo", but when you look at it in a few years time you think, ohhh I used to think I was fat then, when actually I looked fine.

    Its easy to think of yourself as "still" fat, as you've gotten used to feeling that way however in a few years when you look back at photos of yourself now you will see that you arent anywhere near as fat as how you feel. Try not to let that feeling pull you back.

    To be motivated I found a picture of myself a few years ago where I thought I looked quite good and I sent it to Kodak Gallery and got it printed really big for my bedroom wall (bit self appreciative ha ha) then I made a little chart at the bottom where I can tick off lbs as they are lost as a kind of count down to when I will look like that agian.

    I also agree with what someone else said that you should focus on anything else apart from loosing weight, like focus on getting more fit, or eating your 5 fruit and vege a day or having 8 glasses of water (still track what you eat) but by focussing on somthing else it takes your find off of it.

    Good luck for the last 17, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!