

  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I'm settled dwon enough to talk now. Cecil is 3yrs old. Yes he has special needs. That's why he is in the Early Childhood Special Education class. Cecil has been in school for like 3 weeks now. We got a call from Cecil's substitute teacher telling us that he did not eat lunch yesterday or breakfast today (Breakfast is a new thing from the state so children can get a proper meal) and he would not eat lunch today as his meal app has been lost. The meal app was an application given to me by the school secretary two weeks before he started school. I immediatly packed him up a lunch and took it to him. I also talked to the school sec. Who revealed to me that the meal app was lost somewhere between he desk and the school board or misplaced when it arrived. I sat in the school office and filled out a new app then she faxed it over it took 30 minutes to find out that they received it. During our talk I discovered that Cecil is not the only child going hungery as a result of carelessness. I promise you if they would have told me yesterday this was going on he would have had breakfast and lunch today. But it took the thoughtfullness of the substitute teacher calling me that I found out. No letter no call from the principal or secretary. Now mind you if mommy and daddy did not feed him CPS would be called but the school system neglects him and nothing happens. Now if he did not still need therapy mommy would be homeschooling instead.

    Cecil has had weight probs his whole life as a result of his medical problems. I mean he is very small for his age. (he's no bigger than an 18 month old baby.) We have had to feed him by feeding tube in the past. He had two heart surgeries before age one. He has had more medical problems than most 30 year olds. Just recently he has been strong and healthy enough to be away from us.

    You have every right to be upset. I would be furious. ((hugs)) I'm glad that you are working on straigtening this out.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    And people, when someone messes with our babies, we are going to say whatever we feel like saying to make ourselves feel better. Obviously the OP was venting to us for support. We should be supportive.
  • spazmother0727
    spazmother0727 Posts: 55 Member

    This is the second story that I have head of a school making a child (or children) starve! How can they get away with that?! I would be more than happy to pay a huge bill for past lunches than to have my child starve.... Poor baby! I am so sorry to hear that. I understand you wanting to do unthinkable things to those people for not feeding your child, you NEVER mess with a mother! I think when that would happen, they would be better off dealing with my son's father (whose yell is so loud and violent, compaired to mine) rather than dealing with me.

    Every mother has that natural protective instinct like a bear, tiger or any other wild animal that will attack when their young is not safe or feels threaten.

    I would LOOSE IT!

    Give your baby a big hug for me and let us know how you both are doing.


  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    I am glad they have it settled and your able to calm down. Hope today is much better for you both.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    They lost your application?

    Man, sure makes me glad to see our tax dollars hard at work :mad:
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    I am an educator at a public school here in Canada and EVERYDAY I ask the children if they want yogurt or cereal with fruit in the mornings and I make sure they all eat something in the afternoon.

    However maybe the issue is that the school is responsible for the lunch? Most of the grad schools here in Ontario have the children bring their own lunch from home, and will have random pizza days.

    This is absolutely WRONG as they are not providing one of the BASIC NEEDS; whatever happened to the importance of FOOD, SHELTER and LOVE........?? I would take legal action for sure!!! GOOD LUCK!:cry:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I am an educator at a public school here in Canada and EVERYDAY I ask the children if they want yogurt or cereal with fruit in the mornings and I make sure they all eat something in the afternoon.

    However maybe the issue is that the school is responsible for the lunch? Most of the grad schools here in Ontario have the children bring their own lunch from home, and will have random pizza days.

    This is absolutely WRONG as they are not providing one of the BASIC NEEDS; whatever happened to the importance of FOOD, SHELTER and LOVE........?? I would take legal action for sure!!! GOOD LUCK!:cry:

    First off, I am so glad your kiddo got to eat yesterday and that you were able to fill out a new application and confirm it arrived, even though the error was not yours. It is so important that he gets fed, especially since he's had so many health realated issues. I am also glad they are starting a breakfast program, that helps kids so much. I am also glad that the substitute was paying enough attention to notice this issue and contacted you. Why others hadn't already done that is beyond me. I am glad it's getting resolved.

    The reason I quoted Vans was mearly to state that everywhere is different. Every country, state, district, school....they are all managed in their own way. Some obviously better then others. It was mentioned that in certain schools they make the kids bring their own lunchs and provide occasional pizza parties, which if I read correctly is bad. That it's the schools responsibility to meet kids "basic needs." Some needs is understandable, but as an educator myself, I am not solely responsible for meeting those needs. I am kids educator, not their parents. I do what I can for them, but it's not precisely my job to make sure they have shelter, food, and love. Where I am from, they have drawn a thick line between what I am able to do and what I am not. There has been a "battle" for years about where the parents role should begin and end and the teachers pick up. I am a teacher to my studednts, not their parents....and many times parents forget that.

    I think this situation was handled very maturely on the mothers part (sorry I don't know your name), and further....awareness...should be brought to it (through admisnistration, school board, etc). Perhaps, if it goes unresolved or if there are others (as mentioned) then maybe the lawsuit path would benefit (although I am always wary of that).

    Key point...every where is different...I mean my job is probably different from Vans because I teach high school, so our exposure is on different levels.

    I am glad this was resolved and I hope it makes EVERYONE more aware.

    P.S. Cecilsmom (I hope I spelled that right).... I am SOOOO happy you are such a concerned and caring parent! Some choose not to be as involved in their childrens lives! :flowerforyou:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    And people, when someone messes with our babies, we are going to say whatever we feel like saying to make ourselves feel better. Obviously the OP was venting to us for support. We should be supportive.

