salt indictator on the food page

Hi, Ive been on here a couple of weeks now and i am doing well. I really need to watch my sodium intake as i have high bp. I have noticed on some food diaries that you can count sodium too. Does anyone know how i can add that to mine? as i only have calories fat protein and carbs at the moment. Thanks, Sue.


  • kathywoo10
    kathywoo10 Posts: 139 Member
    Go to My Home and then click on Settings on the blue bar.

    On that next page click on diary settings and the first part of that page will give you options of which nutrients to track.
  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    Done it. thanks so much. I can keep a good eye on it now. Thank You.
  • babs23
    babs23 Posts: 86
    In addition to tracking sodium in my diary, I also track potassium. Sodium and potassium are electrolytes that work together as a checks and balance system. If you have a high sodium day, be sure to "up" your potassium intake to balance out.

    It was a real eye opener for me. Reaching the potassium goal can be a challenge. Ever since I started sodium / potassium tracking, my blood pressure has improved and I no longer retain water.

    Good luck!
  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    I never new that thanks ill do that now. really need to get my bp done. thanks again.
  • suewongie
    suewongie Posts: 24
    bp down i meant. lol