I have done no exercise and eaten really badly for a whole wk and completely lost the will to get up and do anything!!! i used to run every morning and do a bootcamp session on a thursday nite, and didnt even go to that either!!! was gonna get up this morning and go for a run but when it came to getting up i jst couldnt be bothered, thats sssooo not the attitude!!
can anyone help me with some motivation to get my *kitten* up and go?? when i did my running i felt sssooo much better for the whole day!!! it is TOTM and really suffered all wk with being really moody and jst eating comfort food, maybe that has something to do with it??
someone help me PPLLLEEAAASSEE!!! :sad: :frown: :cry:


  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Nobody can help you do what you need to do! Find the motivation within yourself. Whenever I don't feel like doing anything, I always think about how energized I feel after I work out, and how burning so many calories grants me a little snack :) Try rewarding yourself with something and get your butt up and do it!
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    You sound just like me this morning but you just inspired me to go for a little run. I am going to go a different route so I dont get bored.
    Just get up, get dressed and GO!!!!!! Do it now before you change your mind....I am :)
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Promise yourself that you'll do something. Make yourself walk for 6 minutes tomorrow. Make yourself promise that even if you don't diet, you won't gain back any wait. Look up how much you can eat to maintain your weight. If nothing else, don't lose the progress you've gained. When the motivation comes back, you can pick up where you left off. You can do this. Stay sane!
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Take that first step outta bed, put the shoes on and just do it. Get the first run done and it will show you why you love it!
    You won't get that fabulous feeling until you actually put the shoes on, drink a little water and just run.

    I am happy to support you and tell you that you are totally worth the effort to put on those shoes, but you are the one that has to actually get up and do it.

    I know you can.... best of all, so do you. So do it.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    You my twin or what????? Add me if you'd like n we will sort this...
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    like NIKE says, just do it, dont think about it, set an alarm, and when it goes off, you go..............
    the hardest part for me is always getting TO the gym, once I am in there, I can stay all day.........or at least i wish i could............getting there is the hardest part............
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    I know what you mean today should be my day off but yesterday was first day of totm so swapped rest days and after a day off and seeing the scales oll totm related i'm off out running pushing my daughter this morning - i can see a patch of blue sky and i know that running will help with totm, before my daughter i would always run 16 miles on the first day because it always made it the last totm day too - go run and start shifting the focus back remember the glow of achievement and all the positive comments from your mfp friends when you log that calorie burn! go on go get the trainers on!
  • tattereds
    tattereds Posts: 120 Member
    GO NOW!

    Why put off til tomorrow what you can do today? Put your shoes on, move away from teh computer, get out there and GO!

    Look at the clock. You have 5 minutes... That's right, 5 minutes from reading this I want you outta there.

    You will feel much better afterwards, I promise :D
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Come on - just put on your shoes and go!! You will feel so much better for it.... My trainer that I normally train with on a Saturday morning is away, so I ****ed around the whole day - and eventually by 4pm I got my a in gear and got into the gym - had a great workout - I now feel so energised - and ready for a big plate of salmon for dinner!!

    Come on - go NOW!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    What usually helps me when I am struggling is to look at people's before and after pics.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    Think about this time next week/month/year if you a) give up now, or b) if you start again right now.

    How do you feel in both scenarios? How do you look? How is your health? You CAN do it!!!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I go thru this quite often(wish I didn't), but I'll get to the place where you'll tell yourself to just get the hell up and do it and the rush get after your workout will make you feel soooo much better but sometimes IT happens again..we can't control that darned TOM and the crap that comes with it so just be patient with'll get back to it in your own time - believe me you will because if you're in this FOR LIFE, you'll know that there will be some ups and downs and after the downs comes the ups again sooner or later so just try to pace yourself and sometimes you just have to wait until you're mentally as well as physically ready to get back to it, much success on your journey!!!
  • Funnybunnyboo
    Come on honey,where's that spunky attitude u have?? Totm is a pita(pain in the *kitten*!!) but u know it's coming evry month,so LAN for it!! The carb loaded food isn't helping u,as it will make u feel lethargic,but sometimes there is only 1thing for it-eat it and move on!!!
    I do think it might be worth a blood test,as u might be anemic which wud make u feel crappy too.
    Wat abt this for an idea?? U get up and have a walk,get some fresh air,and then get yor self some b vitamins,and some evening primrose capsules,and start on some gentle exercises,stretchin etc,have a nice bubble bath and is a passing mood-u will feel better!!!
    Pm me if you want,will always one judges u here,we all have days/weeks/months like this...but we r still here!!!
    Big huggles coming yor way
  • Funnybunnyboo
    Come on honey,where's that spunky attitude u have?? Totm is a pita(pain in the *kitten*!!) but u know it's coming evry month,so LAN for it!! The carb loaded food isn't helping u,as it will make u feel lethargic,but sometimes there is only 1thing for it-eat it and move on!!!
    I do think it might be worth a blood test,as u might be anemic which wud make u feel crappy too.
    Wat abt this for an idea?? U get up and have a walk,get some fresh air,and then get yor self some b vitamins,and some evening primrose capsules,and start on some gentle exercises,stretchin etc,have a nice bubble bath and is a passing mood-u will feel better!!!
    Pm me if you want,will always one judges u here,we all have days/weeks/months like this...but we r still here!!!
    Big huggles coming yor way
  • Funnybunnyboo
    Come on honey,where's that spunky attitude u have?? Totm is a pita(pain in the *kitten*!!) but u know it's coming evry month,so LAN for it!! The carb loaded food isn't helping u,as it will make u feel lethargic,but sometimes there is only 1thing for it-eat it and move on!!!
    I do think it might be worth a blood test,as u might be anemic which wud make u feel crappy too.
    Wat abt this for an idea?? U get up and have a walk,get some fresh air,and then get yor self some b vitamins,and some evening primrose capsules,and start on some gentle exercises,stretchin etc,have a nice bubble bath and is a passing mood-u will feel better!!!
    Pm me if you want,will always one judges u here,we all have days/weeks/months like this...but we r still here!!!
    Big huggles coming yor way
  • karentt
    karentt Posts: 1
    Don't beat yourself up, we all get bad days or weeks sometimes, just remember how good you felt when you did your exercise and let that motivate yourself into feeling like that again. Good luck :)
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    Getting up and going is ALWAYS the hardest part, but once you're out there doing it you feel great. So unfortunately, you just have to do it.

    Maybe you could change up your routine for something you find a bit more fun. For me, that would be going for a swim or taking my dog down the woods.

    TOTM is a total pain, often literally, but we're gonna have to learn to deal with it considering it happens 1/4 of the year lol.

    I agree with Franny, you could motivate yourself by treating yourself to something after, like a lovely bubble bath xx
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380

    You have to do it for you... I never feel like running during TOM. Perhaps find something else to do... but do something. No excuses just get up and start doing something. Guaranteed once you start you will feel better.

    TOM - Drink lots of water, stay away from salt, eat some chocolate... it will make it better.

    You got this... Regardless, Monday is a new day. Just think how far you have come and what you have ahead of you.

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I try to think about my Girls and how cruddy I felt outside just playing roll the ball with them and How now I can zumba , run , jump on the trampoline and much more with the new energy its really changed everything for the better haveing just gotten up and doing alittle exercise :)
    I`m guessing from your Ticker that you have a LO also

    do it for you first and formost but doing it to better your relationship with your LO`s is a great added bonus on bad days IMO
  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    Thanx to each and everyone of u that gave me words of encouragement it helped an awful lot and IM BACK BABY!!! YEAH!! went for my run this morning, followed by a brisk walk cool down then stretches, then indoors for 10 mins of sit ups and push-ups!! so pleased and later have my kids school summer fete so have a good 4hrs of walking around there!!

    Again thank u sssooo much u all got me moving my *kitten* again!! lol xxx :smooched: