
ncd30 Posts: 5
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
i just started back on my diet about a week ago.. i used to be 180 (most of that was in my butt and thighs) but after a very long year and going thru depression i'm currently 290. my goal weight it 150. my mom, aunt, grandmom, and sister all have perfect bodies, (most people compare them to kim kardashian) so you can imagine how i feel about my weight. on top of that she is my twin sister and we're compared all the time.....

my weight plays a HUGE role in my life, and i know it's not all about how you look, but i can't get past it. i blocked myself out from ALL of my friends and i NEVER go out.. i know i have a kim kardashian body under all of this and it kills me.

i just need some friends on here to do this with, maybe it'll keep my motivation going..?


  • karenp84
    karenp84 Posts: 119
    Hi and welcome. I'm pretty new to this site too but its really helpfully and u'll get lots of support here. Good luck!
  • Petinar
    Petinar Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome! I'm also new and have a gorgeous (& skinny) sister!
    I find this site really helpful with watching what I eat, it's the exercise that gets me! Good Luck!
  • ncd30
    ncd30 Posts: 5
    thanks guys! i'm hoping this site helps me and helps me help others! and the exercise is what gets me too! i gotta really push thru it!
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