Finally fixed my week of "BAD"

After a week of somewhat unhealthy food choices, and a weight gain of 4 lbs, I am finally back down to the original weight before I went away. It is so hard to know that you will forever have to be concious of everything that goes into your mouth. I walked a lot, but still gained because of poor food choices. At least I am back on track and look forward to dropping a few more lbs.


  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    Great job getting back on track! I am going through the same thing right now.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Way to go! Keep up the good work!
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    I can totally relate to your post! Feel like I've been on this weight loss yo-yo forever, and losing the same 3 lbs. over and over. But that's okay! You're back on track now and that's fantastic...just keep going. For me, I find that if I can stay on track for the first two or three weeks, it becomes much easier. If I can manage to stay away from the sugar and the fat - at least as much as possible - my body doesn't seem to crave it as much and then I don't feel as though I'm being "denied". So keep it up! Sounds like you're on the right path. If you need any support, feel free to add me. I can use all the support I can get! :)
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    Just went through a week like that. Tried sticking to calories but gym time was lost to a crazier than normal work schedule and we have wildfires around us so doing outside time doesn't work either. But my gym partners and I are ready to hit it hard come Monday. Haven't made the best eating choices and I can tell because I feel like poo!
    Great job getting back on track! I only gained a pound and hoping that is it over the weekend. Stick to it girls! I also tell friends trying to lose weight too, have a bad day/week, wake up and start again!
  • starr68
    starr68 Posts: 62 Member
    I think one of my biggest problems is the alcohol. Hubby and I were celebrating our 15th anniversary, so some beer, some wine, some champagne..... Just got our hot tub back up and running so probably have a few more glasses of wine in the tub. I need to exercise a bit more to "earn" a glass or two of wine at the end of the day. Thank you for the support everyone!!!!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    Welcome back!! I do some extra exercise when I want an alcoholic beverage, usually end up burning more calories than I consumed.