day 3

well its day 3 of not smoking, and i seem so concious that i must not replace ciggies with food that all i do is think food!!!! Any idea's i have such a journey ahead i dont want to gain again!!!!!!


  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi and a GREAT BIG CONGRATS On stopping smoking! :flowerforyou:
    That is wonderful, you do have to be very careful about food
    however, I quit after 25 years of smokig in 2004 and
    unfortunetly gained 56 pounds {YIKES!}

    So just keep your hands busy, eat alot of protein, cuz carbs will
    make you hungrier.

    I wish you the best of luck, I know you can do this, you already have the perfect mindset
    going in knowing what you know! :wink:

    Please feel free to add me!
  • sahm23ladies
    sahm23ladies Posts: 91 Member
    Did you quit cold turkey or are you using something to help? My husband did the patch. At first he just ate... felt like just quitting was hard enough. Then when he was on phase 2 he started chewing gum (regular) instead of snacking. Then eventually it all evened out. Allow yourself some flexibilty! Quitting is hard!!!

    Great work on quitting! Keep it up!!!
  • Jazzercies
    I chew gum or have a sugar free tea or lemonade. I helps keep my mind off of food.
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Quitting smoking is a struggle I know! I use to be a 2 pack a day girl but I just decided one day that I just couldn't do it anymore! Unfortunetly I turned to food and that is what has gotten me to where I am but maybe you could try stuff like taking a short walk, drinking some water, jumping jacks or any other physical movement to get you through the cravings. Trust me it does get easier day by day! It has been years for me and I rarely think about those nasty things. Good luck and if you need a friend that know were your coming from for support you can feel free to add me!
  • jimmyz19
    jimmyz19 Posts: 14 Member
    One of the things I did a couple of years ago when I stopped smoking is instead of lighting up or grabing something to put into my mouth, I went on a walk for about 10 minutes or so (about the time it would take me to have a smoke). It helped me and today it has been two years since I stopped. I did put a few lbs on but I think it was more from the new job that I started around the same time. If your heart is in this 110% then you got this. Good luck, I KNOW you can do this!!!!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My sister just quit smoking and she used sugar free candy instead of cigarettes and it really helped without added pounds.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Get a good book. Take a walk. Drink decaf. green tea. Lots of water with lemon. Chew sugarless gum. Suck on a lollypop, the little ones.
  • WonderNoodle
    WonderNoodle Posts: 549
    My sister just quit smoking and she used sugar free candy instead of cigarettes and it really helped without added pounds.

    My father had to have quadruple bypass surgery due to a lifetime of smoking. Needless to say his last cigarette was the day of surgery 3 years ago. He uses hard candy, butterscotch is his fav as a new habit whether he realizes it or not. Even cough drops. All sugar-free as he is a diabetic.

    WORKS for my pop!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Cheers Jimmy, yes walking has helped today, i have also scrubbed my car inside and out, brushed the stairs twice lol, i think keeping busy is the way to go!!!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Cheers Jimmy, yes walking has helped today, i have also scrubbed my car inside and out, brushed the stairs twice lol, i think keeping busy is the way to go!!!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Awww thanks for your words of encouragement xxx I can do this!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    I am going cold turkey all the way, its about time my will power got a good hard work out, i quit for 8 years but when my realationship broke down and i moved to a new area the habit crept back into my life!!! before i nwe it 20 a day Bang! but 5 years on all demons dealt with time to sort my *kitten* out!!!!
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you all for your comments, now my lovely friend noodle has bought my attention to the quote button lol i wish i had done that Grrrrrrr! but thanks all for your success stories and words of encouragement, i can do this xxx