KUDOS to moms with small children that are doing this

NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Last night I picked up my step-daughter and my husband and I had plans to meet at the gym...we were planning to do weights (legs) them cardio (treadmill or elliptical)...feeling great about our plan, I get to the gym at 7:15, walk to the daycare area and start switching my step-daughters shoes and the lady tells me they are not accepting anymore children and they close at 7:30...so I call my husband and tell him that I am not able to work out and we are going to the pool...then when we get there, I find out family time ends at 8...so my plan falls apart.

I thought the daycare was open till 9 and the family swim time was till 10. Lesson learned...call and verify times before making plans! Normally I do not have to worry about day care options because my daughter is 17 and during our visits with my step-daughter I do need to do the extra planning since she is 6.5...I am glad I do not have to plan for this everyday, but realized how much harder this is on mothers (and fathers) with small children...KUDOS to you for making it work!


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Sorry your plans fell apart. :frown: I have three small kiddos, but I do my exercise at home via either dvds or running. My hubby watches the kids for me. :smile:
  • Nikkiairforcewife
    Nikkiairforcewife Posts: 164 Member
    I have 7 kids and the oldest is 9. So working out is difficult if my hubby isn't home. I've been using the Kinect to at least get some workout done.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    Thanks! It definitely is a lot more work. My kids are 4 1/2 & 16 months plus I babysit a 7 & 11 year old. I do all my workouts at home. I usually kick the 3 oldest out but then I still have my little girl "helping" me. My husband works days & I work evenings so he's not usually home to take the kids so I can workout in peace.
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    I have two small children (both under two) and do my exercising at home, hopefully if they nap at the same time. If all else fails, we go on walks.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It is.very hard! U sound like u have good planning for the most part. I have to either miss out on sleep or try to do it if kids nap-I have 3 of them!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    thank you.
    So sorry your plans fell through though.
    I have 2 young kids (6 & 3 1/2).
    I workout at home and they actually want to to the exercises with me! BONUS!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    I hear you! I'm a single mom to a 3 year old and I don't have a car so the only exercise I get is at work or when I'm bicycling the two of us to his daycare, or work, or to get groceries! At least your step daughter isn't under five. You'd never get time to exercise!
  • MissMandy1010
    MissMandy1010 Posts: 52 Member
    As I am reading this, I am just now realizing that it IS HARD!! I have 2 little ones, ages 21 months and 3 months and am realizing how lucky I am to squeeze in a workout during their naps every day. But its rough- some days I would rather sleep. or just veg out during that quiet time but know that the workout will make me feel better both physically and mentally. KUDOS to all the moms and dads out there who want to be healthy. Its not easy, but its so worth it!!! :-)
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    It can be hard sometimes, especially when you're looking forward to working out and can't. Just remember there's always something you can do with your kids that will burn alot of calories :) I always work out at home. So much easier for me....I'll just hop on the treadmill when my son takes his nap :) I also give kudos for other moms out there :)
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    Thanks.. Yeah I have four kids.. 9,8 and twin 6 year olds.. but I don't go to the gym. I do my exercise at home. Today I got to go on a long bike ride with my almost 15 year old step daughter.. because my fiancee took our four kids with him today.. which doesn't ever happen so that was nice!
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    I've had to figure out how to incorporate my children in this process. LIke riding bikes and pulling the youngest. Or going to a track and lettign them ride around and I run. It's hard.
  • I get up before my children (luckily they are good sleepers). During the school year I get up at 4:30 a.m.
    since I am a teacher during the summer I can do it a little later. We invested in a treadmill so I can
    run on it during the week. I do my long runs on Saturdays because my husband is home. It's
    not always easy, but I decided a long time ago I had to commit to something that would work for
    my schedule.
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