Acai Berry???

Has anyone tried it? Is it just another scam?


  • figueres3
    figueres3 Posts: 104 Member
    Has anyone tried it? Is it just another scam?
  • tamaraw
    Acai has the highest content of anitoxidants and polyphenols of any fruit known to man. The antioxidants reduce inflammation throughout the body, wherever it is.
    I don't know if it helps you lose weight per se, but it does help to recover more quickly from strenuous workouts.
    Aside from that, it's fantastic for your health in general.
    There are several products on the market, some more or less expensive.
    The main problem with the acai berry is that on its own, it tastes terrible, or so I've heard.

    I happen to drink MonaVie, which is a combination of 18 different fruits, a bit tangy, but absolutely delicious. And the combination is not just a fruit juice, it's a whole food.

    Look on line, you'll find the info.
  • cwilson715
    I am taking a pill I bought at Target for almost a week now, I feel pretty good about it. I dont think its helping me lose anyweight but I didn't swell during my cycle like I normally do.
  • psyknife
    psyknife Posts: 487 Member
    Anything marketed as a "DIET" is a scam... you are just going to end up starving yourself and slowing your metabolism.

    However, Acai berries do have health benefits and can be added as a supplement into your current food intake (but, if you already eat plenty of things with antioxidant benefits, the acai berries really aren't necessary... they are just the latest trend right now because they are new to most people).