What should I be eating?

So I have completely changed my daily menu in the past month. I eat a whole lot of veggies and fruits. I swear I will turn into celery eventually. I eat oatmeal and a piece of fruit in the morning, every morning. I eat simple things for lunch like lean pockets or pitas with tuna and tomato and then my dinners are always meat (turkey, chicken or fish) and veggies. I've cut out most starches- I can't remember the last time I had a potato and I never crave anything sweet so thats not a problem. I'm proud of my progress so far but I still feel like I have a ton to learn about the goods and bads. My question for now is based on my dietary goals on MFP. I've been coming in under my goal since I joined, mainly in calories but I feel satisfied with not eating anymore than I am during the day. I know that my body could go into starvation mode if I don't eat enough calories.. My question is, is it okay to eat something for lunch or breakfast simply because it is higher in calories? I could completely go for a bowl of ramen noodles for lunch right now. If I meet and don't exceed my calorie/fat/protein/carb goal for the day, does it really matter what I eat?


  • YvetteSmith69
    You can eat anything you want and as long as you are staying in your calorie goal and working out you will still lose weight. Good Luck!
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    In my opinion if you deny yourself foods you want you will not stick to this program. I eat what I want just make sure it is a portion of the item not 2 or 3.If it fits into your daily calories then I say go for it.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    it sounds like you're doing pretty good, however I would not eat just anything to fill those ,issing calories make sure what you're eating is healthy, my guess is that Ramen Noodles is loaded with sodium and it will also raise your blood sugar.

    Instead maybe reach for nuts, they are very filling and healthy, eat alot of protein, carbs will only make you hungrier!
    After a while you will know what works for you, you can try having the Noodles and see if you can reach your weekly goal
    but as a general rule, try to stay as healthy as possible, but at the same time nothing is toally off limits, because I think that
    only sets you up for failure!

    Good luck in meting all your goals! :smile:
  • berchen82
    berchen82 Posts: 59
    Yes, I think it's ok to eat something with higher calories for breakfast or lunch to meet your calorie goal. Sometimes I add normal butter instead of the light one or I eat nutella instead of honey :-)