Dr Ians 4 day diet?

Just would like to get some input on this book I purchased online, wondering if anyone on here has actually read and done the 4 day diet plan? I started reading the book last night and the first couple chapters is kind of reptative to me in a since that i have been on the track of losing weight for the past couple of months, down 10lbs but would like something to really help jump start me back on track again. If you have read the book did you have success? Did you modify any food or excersise that was given? So guess I will get started on Monday, just plan to read the whole book through the weekend to get myself motivated. :)


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I had to look it up to see what it was - doesn't seem like something you could keep up long term, but maybe one 4 or 8 day session of it every month or so would be good. Good luck, tell us how it goes.