Weighing in

I am new to this site so let me introduce myself, I am Anna and im trying to drop 15 pounds asap.
I have been working out each night for 45 minutes, doing an intense cardio with Jillian Micheals and eating
very healthy. My breakfast is non fat plain yogurt with kashi granola and a banana, my lunch is usually fruit and veggies
with hummus, and my dinner is either an egg white omelet or a salad. I only have 2 problems: peanut butter is to fricken yummy and i am too afraid to step on the scale! I will never know if ive lost weight if i cant man up and step on the evil little scale. Any tips?
I could blindfold myself and have my boyfriend look for me but i dont want him to know how heavy i am. HELP! And you am i supposed to not eat the peanut butter..i could live off of it but its just fat. urgh!

Anna :)


  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    Just get on the scales!!! Its only a number and if you want to minus it by 14 you gotta know what it is to start with

    Good luck
  • sweetseraph7
    Just get on the scales!!! Its only a number and if you want to minus it by 14 you gotta know what it is to start with

    Good luck

    I agree. I cringe everytime I get on the scale. I yo yo alot so it's a gamble for me. But I get really mad when I gain weight and I'm trying to stop that. Its all part of weight loss. Good luck and I'm sure you'll be fine. No shame in the inital weigh in. It's just a number that will eventually go down :)
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Eat the peanut butter. 2 tablespoons is a serving and if you mix it with a banana you have a really awsome snack. Make sure to get the reduced fat peanutbutter with no added sugar.
    No one can make you weigh yourself. If you like measuring yourself better, go with that. After you lose a couple inches, then step on the scale and see what kind of progress you made. How does that sound. Don't freak out over the numbers. The numbers are the enemy. The enemy cannot win this battle.
  • kristiedavis1
    How can you know how much you want to lose and how much progress you've made if you don't step on the scale? By not stepping on it you are allowing a number that you don't even know to define you. And it's just that.....a number. It doesn't change a thing about your character. And, who says you have to give up peanut butter. Excellent source of protein if eaten in moderation.
  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    I eat the Natural peanut butter that is just peanuts and no added sugar. You can eat it any time, just record it in meal plan.
    Just remember the scales are just a number. So don't let them control you. And don't weigh daily. If you do not like the scales make it every two weeks or so. Notice any differences by how you feel and how your clothes fit.
    Best of luck!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Eat the peanut butter. 2 tablespoons is a serving and if you mix it with a banana you have a really awsome snack. Make sure to get the reduced fat peanutbutter with no added sugar.

    Agreed. If you completely deny yourself the things you love/crave, then you won't stick to it and you'll end up binging. Pb has healthy fats, protein, and if you get natural pb without all the added chemicals, it's really not that bad for you.
    As for the scale... you've gotta find out where you're starting from. How do you know you want to lose 15 pounds if you don't know where you're at now? Get the initial weigh in over with; it might be a little depressing at first (mine sure was!) but it gives you that jumping off point. I also only weigh in about once a month... all the fluctuating from day to day, or week to week frustrated me. Take measurements too. Sometimes that tells more than the scale does. :smile:
  • Idylecowgirl
    Hello All :flowerforyou:

    I am new too
  • daddyssunshyne
    Try the product PB2. Google it. It gets raves in the forums. I had never heard of it, but looked it up, found it at a local store, and love it. I can NOT taste the difference and it only has 45 calories per serving. It is a little odd that you mix powder with water, but it works.

  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    I hated getting on the scale and now I can't seem to get off. I love to see if I have lost and when I don't or god forbid I gain, I just say to myself I need to work harder to watch it drop again.
    Just get on it, and realize it's a number... it doesn't define who you are.
  • hapilymarried2006
    hapilymarried2006 Posts: 27 Member
    you might be surprised what you see when you do step on it I bet you have lost. only do it once a week tho are you could get discouraged ....good luck