Frustrated....trying to stay on track :/ !

Options name is Angie and I am feeling just a bit bummed this morning. I joined a few months ago and then just got lazy and stopped tracking my food/exercise. About a week and a half ago I decided it was time to get back to logging things . ANYWAY... I started tracking my food and exercise again and was feeling pretty good! At first I had a hard time staying under my goals until I started exercising and earning the extra calories plus for the day. I felt really good until I stepped on the scale this morning :( .....didn't drop any weight....GAINED 2 POUNDS!!!! I have been riding my exercise bike at least a half hour every day plus some light weight training....5 pound weights for about 20 minutes. SOOOOO FRUSTRATED! Don't know what to do :( ! I have never posted on here before......but today I really felt the need to ask for help. I have been reading some of the posts and everyone is so great and supportive :) A lot of different struggles, but all of us basically looking for the same thing....better health and fitness.....and a nice body to boot sure would be great ;) !!! If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)


  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    Forget the scale for awhile. Use your body measurements instead, and only every couple of weeks. Be sure you are tracking everything you eat--including the oil to saute or fry with, the condiments on your sandwiches and salads, everything that goes into your mouth. Get plenty of water--really make an effort to drink 6-8 full glasses a day at least. Keep up with your exercise. And give it time. As everyone here keeps repeating, the weight didn't pile on overnight, and it doesn't come off that way either. Time and patience. Keep coming back for support.
  • rgprn
    rgprn Posts: 66 Member
    I will say to you that I have tried every "diet" known to main. I have never been extremely overweight,
    bu the weight I do have has been hurting my health. I may be facing diabetes soon...thats what got me
    in the serious mode! This site has been the BEST thing I have ever done. You will have around the clock
    support! Do it every day! I started out counting calories when that was popular over 30 yrs ago.
    This is the first time since then that I have counted calories. I think I did that because there are no foods
    you cannot have. You just have to stay w/in the cal goal given to you when you sign up. Also, it shows you that
    everything you put into your mouth counts! (And they do the work/calculating for you.)
    Just do it !!!! It works. Read posts every day; it helps!
    ROSA from TN
    Never been to Hawaii (it looks so beautiful)
  • akarmiloff
    akarmiloff Posts: 11 Member
    Same problems here! I was exercising like crazy 3-4 times a week, and the scale didn't budge, only went up a little!!! I have to admit though I was eating more then I should have (you get hungry when you work out).
    Just concentrate on feeling good, and knowing you're doing something good for your body. The scale will budge eventually. And look at it this way; exercising is definitely better for your body then not. :)
    Keep on posting, it might help.
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    This always happens to me when I start weight training. Do yourself a favor and measure yourself as well as weighing it will help you to stay focused on what really matters... getting smaller. I typically gain 2-4 lbs while the inches are coming off then start to see the scale drop, so don't get discouraged just yet. Hope this helps.

    PS I also do 5-7lb weights but do a body pump class for an hour 3 times a week, so it doesn't matter the amount of weight so much as it's building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Just make sure you put good healthy foods into your body, but don't do too much protein. They say if you are doing weights, you need to have at least 100 grams of protein per day, but that's not for when you are trying to lose weight. if you do the 100 grams of protein it will add more muscle and could cause more bulk (in my experience). I usually do a lil more protein than MFP says, but no more than about 70 grams so I can hopefully keep slimming.
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177

    Try to remember that weight loss doesn't necessarily come straight away. Your weight can fluctuate by around 2lb just by the amount of water you naturally carry in your body, too. Muscle mass also weighs more than fat, so you may be toning up (and therefore losing inches) but not showing it in your weight yet.

    I found that when I started exercising, I wasn't losing any weight - but I was gaining muscle! I was doing some resistance band training and I noticed that I was growing some hefty biceps (not necessarily very attractive for a female, either) so I stopped doing it. As soon as I stopped, I noticed some weight loss.
  • gilledyer
    gilledyer Posts: 3
    Stick with it. I am on week 5 with mine and even though I stick within limits religiously I gained 3 pounds on week 3. I then realized after that it was hormonal, the next week I lost a considerable amount.
    Our bodies are funny things, but as long as you are true to yourself it will soon start coming off.
    Keep smiling :smile:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Sometimes we have to give our bodies some time after changing things before expecting a difference on the scale. Your body needs to get used to the exercise and change in diet. Also, make sure you're eating most of your exercise calories back and that the calories you are eating are quality calories. Make sure you're getting enough fiber (25-30 grams per day), protein (25-30% per day), water (half your body weight in ounces per day - minimum) and watch your sugars - be sure to get your sugar from natural sources vs. fake sugars or added sugars. Try to avoid aspartame and high fructose corn syrup to name a couple.
  • Jambabutterfly
    Jambabutterfly Posts: 3 Member
    Went to get a few things done around the house and came back to check in and OMG I have been brought to tears :') a GOOD way! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH EVERYONE! So much support and words of wisdom....I obviously have some new friends to help me along my journey :) I forgot to mention in all my rambling that I am 5'1 (well ALMOST.....about 5' and a half :/ ) and I weigh 157 today *sigh* :( My mini goal is to get under 150....or at least to drop a pant size, although I do realize that all clothing sizes are not created equal so the number on my clothing shouldn't be taken TOO seriously :/ Thank you again sooooo very much to EVERYONE who took the time to pick me up and dust me off....<3 you guys! I will try to check in regularly ( if not daily then weekly ). ( LOL.....I've already checked in TWICE today ;) !! ) This is a learning process for me.....hopefully one day I can post something to someone to help support and encourage them :) Thank you again.....:flowerforyou: :heart: