Am I ready to take it to the next level?

My current weight is 266 pounds. I have been doing resistance training with one of those over the door Tower 200 things. It really kicks my #%% when I use it and I'm nowhere near utilizing the full weight resistance nor the routines it has to offer. I have an Octane elliptical which I love and I also love riding my bike on wooded trails near the Mississippi river. I seem to be getting bored with my workouts and was wondering if P90X is something someone my size could do or should I continue with what I'm doing until I lose a few dozen more pounds. Any feedback from bigger guys and gals who have tried it would be appreciated.


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I haven't personally tried but have spent some time reading reviews on the P90x site as well as Amazon. From what I can gather, there are quite a few large/overweight people who've attempted it quite successfully. The verdict seems to be to just do the best that you can and keep pushing play. You'll get stronger/better with more practice, don't expect perfection the first time, but don't give up and you'll get there.

    Hope this helps.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    there isa P90X fitness test that you can do to evaluate if you will be able to do the program or not - this is the link:

    (according to google anyway)

    I haven't tried it yet myself, but I just did 12 minutes of Dance Central on the kinect, and I'm already sweaty and tired so I figure I'm not ready for P90X ( i did do about 45 minutes of it lastn ight though so thats maybe PART of the problem)
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thanks, I will definitely check that link out.
  • Mills187
    Mills187 Posts: 171
    dude if you want extreme weight loss Insanity is the way to go I was doing it at 233 and im down to about 212 right now and I love it its a great workout and its 30 day money back guarantee so if you cant do it or its to tough you send it in full return no questions asked Let me know if you want more info im a bb coach and can help you out oh did i mention its only 60 days man message me if you want more info!
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    My husband and I bought it. I have not been consistent with it I admit, but do use several of the DVD's to switch things up, just not using one of the "oulined" programs.

    I'm not a very small female, I just either take breaks(pause the dvd) or I will job in place or modify something if I feel I can not do it or it is too much.

    They would definately give you a variety, and they will kick your butt if you put the effort in. I burn anywhere from 360-580 calories doing them.
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    I would suggest getting 10 Minute Trainer and trying that first, as it has similar workouts. If you breeze through the 10 minutes, up it to 20 minutes (2 workouts on the DVD) daily, then 30 minutes (3 worouts on the DVD). Once you find some ease in that, I'd say your ready for P90X.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    OK, I just checked out the Pre-Test requirements for P90X. There is no way I'm ready for that yet. Maybe I'll try Insanity or something. Whew, I worked up a sweat just reading what the Pre-Test is for P90X. Thanks for the tip. If I would have bought it I would have gotten discouraged, shelved it and probably would have never tried it again.
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    Insanity is the next step to P90X
  • greenscrapcat
    I would try P90X first before insanity! Insanity is way more intense! YOU CAN DO P90X! I will borrow it to you!
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I thought Insanity is a step below P90X.. From what I've heard Insanity burns fat while P90X gets you really ripped and toned.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    You probably know that I just started P90X b/c I've talked about it a lot. So here's my take after week 1.

    If you can do any kind of modified push-up, a lat pull down, basic lifting with weights of at least 8 pounds, and any kind of squat, you should be fine to start. The rest will come as you get more fit by doing the program.

    I failed the fitness test, and I was a little hesitant about it for that reason, but every workout has a modification, and the way it's set up makes it very easy to go at your own pace (because each exercise is a separate chapter on the dvd and each one lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes, so it's easy to pause, breath, and start again.

    For example, yesterday I took 84 minutes to do the 50 minute kenpo workout b/c I had to pause after almost every set and walk around to get my heart rate down. But I burned 500+ calories and felt great when I finished (exhausted, but great).

    I was worried about my knees b/c I have had knee problems in the past, but I do the low impact version of everything that involves jumping, and I just don't go as low in the squats. My knees have improved a lot as I have exercised, btw.

    I did get the pull up bar, and I'm glad I did. P90X comes with a resistance band, which you can use with the pull-up bar as a pull-down alternative to pull-ups. Also, I can't do real (boy) push-ups, and knee (girl) push-ups are bad for my knees. But if you have a set of steps or a low-ish, sturdy piece of furniture, you can do a modified boy push-up at an angle. I use our credenza. It's about 28 inches tall, so I'm lifting more of my body weight than I would doing wall push-ups.

    I can do about 2 minutes of Ab Ripper X, which is okay for now. For my first time through the program, I don't really care if I don't build abs. I'll get to them later when I've lost the layers of fat that would hide them anyway. :-) And I could only do 30 minutes of (heavily modified) yoga. Again, not a deal-breaker for me. I am trying to be conscientious about stretching, but I'm not going to have a perfect body in 90 days, so I'm not worried about it if I can't do everything the first time through.

    I love it, and even though I have to modify a lot, I'm getting a great workout, and it's fun. :-)