New Counter

jomacdo Posts: 1
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
ive never dieted or watched what i ate. i recently turned 29 and ive hit the 200lb mark. very scary. its not that i dont care about my health, and not to make excuses for myself, but the last 2 years have been very difficult. i gained probably around 40lbs ontop of what was already extra. something in me is coming alive now though. im not fully there yet with the motivation and the want/need to work out, everyday. (thank goodness its summer and i live by a lake!) However, my friend mentioned she had a calorie counting app on her phone, which helped her keep track of everything, and she lost like 40+ lbs since xmas. that gave me a huge kick in the pants! so i found this. my fitness pal on my blackberry. and here i am. i have 2 friends who live close by and we have been doing this together. every day that is hot this summer, we're going for our swim. the walk there is a bit of hike as well. so, thats another plus. anyways, ive never even written in a blog sorta thingy before... anyways, just wanted to share...

happy counting ya'll


  • Beezo56
    Beezo56 Posts: 5
    Good luck I hope you achieve your goals.
  • krevelle65
    krevelle65 Posts: 189
    Wecome! I wish I woke up to my weigh problem at 200 pounds. I topped out at 282 last year. I am 46. I have been using MFP since 4/25/11, I have lost 18 pounds. I log everything I eat. If the net cals goes red I workout until they are green again. Congratulations for starting this change. Friend me if you like.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck.
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