Watch your nutrient intake and tailor it to YOU

ladyrhees Posts: 26
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I'm getting back on track now that it doesn't hurt to move as much. FYI, to anyone that has had the Depo shot, KEEP YOUR CALCIUM INTAKE UP. I cannot stress this enough. One of the side effects is it can leech calcium from your bones, causing a loss of density. I haven't felt that kind of pain since the weeks right before I had my son. Softening of your bones is serious business. I've taken steps to increase the amount of calcium in my diet both via supplements as well as foods. I didn't have any issues after I had the shot, but I was on the Special K diet and because of that, consuming more milk than I normally did since I can't just drink it due to my allergies (even fat free milk gives me the phlemy throat, grrr). After several weeks of cereal replacing some meals, I was fine and had lost some weight (the 10lbs that used to be in my profile). I ran out and due to RL getting hectic, I neglected to buy more and fell back into my terrible habit of eating maybe twice a day and drinking a ton of flavored water. I also fell off the daily vitamins wagon. I stopped sleeping through the night because I ACHED all over, a deep-seated ache that no matter what I did or position I was in, would keep up a pulsing throb of extreme discomfort. My exercise program became a distant memory. It finally dawned on me what might be the cause after 3 solid weeks of OMGWHYDOIHURT that it might be from my shot, and confirmed the possibility after a reread of my paperwork. I now take in addition to my women's daily vitamin 1200mg of calcium for a total of 1650 plus what I get from the milk and yogurt I consume regularly now. (I was recommended to have 1800mg daily.) The aches and pains have mostly stopped and I hope to soon resume my exercise program again. I used to do 20 min brisk walk on a treadmill and 40 min on the fat burner setting on an elliptical every day. In the last month, I haven't been able to manage 10 min at an easy walk on the treadmill alone without being completely exhausted. I hope this might help anyone considering the shot and what it might entail in an adjustment to your diet regimen. It didn't occur to me and if I can help even one person avoid that kind of pain and speed bump in their weight loss, it's well worth the posting. My best to everyone and all my support in your quest for a healthier you. ヽ(´ー`)ノ


  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Low Calcium will also increase the likelihood of leg cramps. I take a magnesium/calcium supplement daily along with Vit D to increase absorption.

    Someone was talking earlier about the pie chart and percentages of protein to carb to fat. Diabetic or diabetic in family history keep your carbs under, kidney disease keep the protein lower. If unsure talk to your doctor or see if he/she can get you a consult with a dietician (with nutritional labs)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I cant even begin to tell you how much I hate the Depo shot....I know hate is a strong word, but it seriously messed me up.

    Thanks for posting this for people who might be on it. You need all the information you can when you are on heavy hitter drugs like that one.
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    I had my shot back in May and aside from my own unwittingly self-inflicted side-effect, I've been fine (after the initial month of my body yelling OMG WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?! time getting acquainted with the drug, of course). I have also forgotten that excess protein can cause you to lose more calcium. I was definitely on the higher than norm protein consumption than I was accustomed to in my quest to reduce my carbs/sugars intake. I pretty much set myself up for it, but forewarned is forearmed. A chat with even a PA isn't a bad idea when you decide to make a major change in your life, and altering your diet is a big one. You might require extra care at the onset of your plan to help keep balance in your system, then steadily "wean" yourself down as you lose mass.
    I try to remind myself that a pound is a pound, muscle does not weigh more than fat, it takes up less room. I want to lose weight yes, but I'm more interested in losing mass. The Depo shot has been known to possibly cause weight gain, I thought "Oh great, another speed bump to overcome." But in the first month I after I had it, of the side effects I experienced, weight gain wasn't one of them. I was diligent in my diet and exercise and thank to MFP, watched exactly what I ate. The 10lbs I lost (and found, to my perturbed annoyance) were a direct result of that diligence. I did it once, I will do it again and knowing it can be done I will lose that and more to reach my goal. Am I angry that in my slip I essentially lost all my progress? Not really. Annoyed? Eh...yeah, a lil grumpy. I know it will take a bit longer to get back to where I started since my bones are weaker than when I began before, but from several articles I've read, regular exercise seems to make calcium more available to your bones. A short walk is better than sitting on my butt. I started at a 15 min treadmill walk and maybe 10 on the elliptical to work my way up to the hour I was doing when I quit. Moderation is everything, I'll do as much as my body says it can handle then stop. Add a minute a day until I'm back and focus on what I'm going for, not what I had.

    One note here: The food you eat is the best source of calcium because the calcium in food is more readily absorbed by your body. Supplements are a good alternative source, but sometimes they can lead to too much calcium. Up to 2500mg a day will not cause any problems, but higher levels may interfere with the absorption of other minerals, like iron or zinc. Excess calcium can also cause constipation and can lead to kidney stones in people who have a genetic propensity to form them. That's why I mentioned seeing a physician to have a check on your vitals and current levels that will be affected by your new way of life as a lighter, leaner you. My personal amount was 1800mg a day, I take two 600mg tablets with my multi-vitamin. I take those it with a protein shake made with milk and I usually have a cup of yogurt sometime later in the day. I plan to go down to one 600mg as I focus more on calcium-rich foods in my diet to better access the other nutritional values they have to offer.
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