hi! :)

banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
Hi Everybody!

I've been using MFP on my iphone for a while now (on and off ~ more off than on unfortunately) and over the last week I've decided to make a commitment to getting healthy and fit! I am at my highest weight ever and have at *least* 100 lbs to lose. Possibly 125 lbs but right now I am concentrating on the big 100.

While I am concerned about what the scale says (I know I am at a weight that if left untreated will cause extreme health problems) I am trying to concentrate on eating clean and being active. I've had a very stressful few years that has contributed to my weight gain. One of my biggest struggles is being consistent and not giving into feelings of stress.

Instead of taking progress pictures I've decided to take progress videos. I have found that even though I look obviously very overweight in pictures, I wasn't getting the whole picture as you do on video. Just seeing myself on video has been a huge wake up call as to how large I have become! I almost can't believe it because I don't necessarily *feel* like I look that large.

I'd love some buddies ( I have one IRL friend who is also on MFP but no others) for support!

Here's to getting healthy! :)

