help me...please

sarashae Posts: 28
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been using MFP for about a month now and I have not lost much weight, in fact I seem to gain a couple pounds back (prob water but still) I work out most days and I have just started doing a step work out ..But I have been walking or using the wii fit.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong or what I can do different.
thanks :smile:


  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    What are your calorie settings?
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    Without seeing your food these are just some suggestions. Are you getting enough water? Are you keeping an eye on your sodium? What kind of foods are you eating pre/post workouts? This makes a big difference for me personally.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Can you open your diary so we can see what you are eating?
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    If we could see your diary that would help. :)
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Without seeing your diary it's hard to help. How are you doing with sodium and fiber? They both affect weight loss greatly and are usually over and under, respectively, represented in most diets.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    If you opened your food diary,it might help people give suggestions
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Do you sweat during your workouts? Maybe just try to change what you are doing. Walk a little faster, do situps or pushups while playing your Wii. You have to get your heart rate up. And you have to eat. Get your metabolism higher.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Work out harder. Drink more water. Eat healthier. You'll be alright.
  • Well, I can't speak like an expert, but I can ask you some hints. I think the main reason it helps me is to take note of what I eat, then I ask if I'm really hungry, and then sometimes I don't need to eat. Or it can help you see where you binge or get too hungry, for example, my goal is 4 meals a day of about 300-600 calories, closer to 400 if possible. And it gives me someplace to write down if I exercised that day, but it takes your body a long time to adjust to a new way of being, and it's possible you're not working in the right zone for you. Just thoughts.
  • suesq2
    suesq2 Posts: 3 Member
    Are you perhaps consuming too many simple, rather than complex carbohydrates? Those will really slow down or stop weight loss.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    I know many who have said that they didn't see much progress until they did more intense workouts ( by their own standards) or starting doing weights. In the past, I have greatly benefited from a coupla sessions sessions with a personal trainer to help me figure out what I should be doing. Just my two cents! good luck!
  • sarashae
    sarashae Posts: 28
    ok sorry..I opened my diary...Please help now :)
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Again, it would help if we could see your food diary, but what are you eating? If you are eating the proper number of calories, but they are EMPTY calories with little or no nutritional value, your body might still go into starvation mode, because without the right nutrients it feels as if it's not getting anything. So, are you eating complex carbs, fruits, veggies? Are you getting enough protein?

    Also, you might try to have some green tea now and then to help "rev up" your metabolism.
  • sarashae
    sarashae Posts: 28
    ok I opened it (I think) will ya look at it for me :)
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    still can't get into it. :(
  • sarashae
    sarashae Posts: 28
    bummer, I took off all the privacy settings....I must be doing something wrong....

    Anyway...I am on a 1240 cal diet
    I work out about 30 min a day with walking, just started doing a step aerobics
    I have lost 9 lbs but it seems like I go up then back down..could that be water weight....or maybe I need more calories
    not sure how this works :(

    starting weight 210
    now 201
    goal 150
  • sarashae
    sarashae Posts: 28
    bummer, I took off all the privacy settings....I must be doing something wrong....

    Anyway...I am on a 1240 cal diet
    I work out about 30 min a day with walking, just started doing a step aerobics
    I have lost 9 lbs but it seems like I go up then back down..could that be water weight....or maybe I need more calories
    not sure how this works :(

    starting weight 210
    now 201
    goal 150
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    It's open now. You're doing a good job of staying close to your calorie count.

    Sodium and fiber aren't showing but, if it were me I'd try for less processed (which pretty much always means high sodium) and more clean food. High sodium causes a lot of water retention. Also, more fiber, easiest to find in fruit, veg. and whole grain, helps clean out your body and assists with weight loss. These foods are all filling and usually low calorie.

    These are just my opinions. Keep up the good work!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Try eating more! Eat your exercise calories. There was one day where you only at 845 calories! MFP is set up to give you a deficit to reach your goal. You picked your goal for a reason. Eating significantly less than your recommended calories can inhibit weight loss while eating them all should encourage it. Try it. You aren't losing now, so what can it hurt?
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Hey darlin....I noticed when i got rid of processed stuff and ate only veggies n fruit for snacks...the weight has been falling off. I was at a 3 month plateau and I finally said screw this and dove head first into eating clean-er. It has done wonders. And when I eat fruits and veggies, i get to eat more food. My weekday diary is a good example. (a few days this past week)
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