I haven't gone #2 in almost 2 weeks... (TMI warning)



  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    You need to get a bowel prep from a pharmacy and go to a doctor as you can die of a bowel obstruction...worry about the money later, can you go to a hospital?

    I could, but both of the area hospitals, the doctor will see you and just tell you to go see you're doctor in the morning. Unless you're bleeding or something's broken, its just a waste of $400.

    You're right about the ER just sending you away and telling you to go to your "own" doctor in the am. The only thing I know that they might do if they feel the need and believe you are actually impacted, is to "clear" you out manually, which I assume isn't much fun. I have had and continue to have issues such as yours and I have found prune juice (as much per day as you can tolerate) helps. It DOES take a bit, it isn't magic, but if you drink as much as you can, as many times as you can per day, eventurally something should happen. Have you tried an enema at all?
  • souchie
    souchie Posts: 18 Member
    are you passing gas? If not see a doctor NOW.

    If you are take an over the counter laxative or stool softener. Increase your fiber...think carrots and broccoli, maybe a salad, try llaying off the burgers at work, definatey watch how much water you are drinking .....most importantly allow yourself time to go. Best of luck to you
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    personally.. if the ER isn't an option.. i would first head to or call the nearest pharmacy, and speak with the pharmacist.. they deal with lots of everyday situations and usually have more of a sympathetic heart and better understanding of being on a super tight budget.. (since they are face to face with the public and dealing directly with payments and insurance). having been a single mom for years, this was always my first stop.. you can even call them.. be honest and tell them that you burp/vomited.. maybe ask if the "bomb" that the previous person suggested would be ok.. this is pretty serious, i wouldn't do anything without a medical professional's advice.. **keeping you in my prayers!!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Girl, beg, borrow or steal the cash because you need to see a doctor!

    Agreed. Anything past three days is NOT healthy, and you could end up with impacted bowels, which trust me, is not something you want to have to do deal with, because that will not be a short-term problem that will go away with some antibiotics. As a CNA who has dealt with people who have ended up with impacted bowels, you do NOT want to let the problem keep going because of lack of funds. I can't imagine an ER telling you to go away if you don't have a primary care physician, especially if you tell them you haven't gone for two weeks.
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    oooh. Try prune juice, apples, coffee and lots of water. Going to the doctor would be the logical next step, BUT (no pun) he is more than likely going to prescribe an ENEMA for you. If you've never had one of those, its a very unpleasant experience! Once you do get cleaned up, include high fiber foods and a good pro-biotic in your diet. Probiotics have good bacteria to help move your colon waste.

    Good luck on that.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Thanks everybody for your concern, the bomb worked. I lost 4 lbs this morning, and can't seem to drink enough water now. Thanks again.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thanks everybody for your concern, the bomb worked. I lost 4 lbs this morning, and can't seem to drink enough water now. Thanks again.

    Reading through this, I figured your 6 pound weight gain was just from everything built up in your system. Over the next few days, you'll probably lose the rest.

    Please make sure you're drinking lots of water every day and getting more fiber into your diet on a regular basis. Beyond fruits and vegetables, you can also try flax meal, which is also high in Omega-3s as well as fiber. Also those probiotic yogurts or drinks or pills. They are supposed to keep your digestive system humming.

    Good luck!
  • yalmira82
    yalmira82 Posts: 37
    I would defanetly go to the doctor. If you don't have money go to the health department. I have problems going to and at my worst I started having severe pains in my side. Went to the doctor and I had to go see the Gastro Intestine doctor to be cleaned out. What happened was I would go a couple of weeks with out going and it would build up. Pooh that had been inside for a long time would get hard and stick to the walls of where the pooh collects before it runs through. So even if I had to go I could not because everything was basically stuck and it could not move through. So I have insurance but even when I saw the bill I wanted to throw up. So I would go see the doc before you have to go through something major and then really have to fork up some money you don't have...Good Luck!!! Just wanted to let you know what CAN happen. Scary!!!And the pain is wrenching!!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Bananas and oatmeal are binding so do not eat them. Prunes and Kalamata figs (3-5 of either right before bed) help so I would get some and take them regularly now that things are moving again. Do NOT take the pills or meds as your body can build up an intolerance to them....
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Yay! I'll bet the last time someone cheered for you making poo-poo was when you were a baby, BUT I was really worried about you and the first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was "I hope ivyjbres is okay." Keep drinking that water and get some rest.
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    so happy to hear the bomb worked for you!! had to come back and check on you!!!
    yes, rest.. you must be exhausted!

  • LaraRN
    LaraRN Posts: 128 Member
    You need to go see a Dr. - the longer the wait, the worse off you'll be. It can be something as easy as not getting enough fiber - to a bowel obstruction. Not something to "wait around" for.
  • joeysrib
    joeysrib Posts: 158 Member
    Bomb works everytime! Add miralax to your nighttime ritual, at least every other night. It's gentle. And don't forget about oil in the toilet. Glad I could help!!!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Two weeks is a really long time to not have a BM. I used to have a really bad constipation problem. I went almost a whole year with only having a BM from enemas. When I got pregnant in 2009 I decided enough was enough, so I chose to give fiber a shot. I increased my fiber intake through Fiber One products and fresh fruit and veggies. I also drink about ten glasses of water a day. It worked and I haven't been constipated for two years. I know you are concerned about food logging and what not, but you have bigger problems to tend to. If you are vomiting because of constipation, you very possibly have an obstruction that could poison you and cause death. This is very serious and I suggest you see a doctor(money or not) immediately.
  • peacestar84
    peacestar84 Posts: 100
    I'm sorry but I did not read all the other responses because I am seriously worried about you and all I will say is this you likely have a blockage and if you do not seek medical help you could die. Your health is number one important and it has been too long with out movement. Hope things work out for you.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I see that you finally went which is good, but you need to start upping your fiber intake to prevent this again. You do not want to become reliant on any type of medications, especially at such a young age. If it happens recurrently, please see a doctor because it could be your life that you end up losing because of it, and your life is worth struggling for a few dollars.
  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Thats good it worked, yep just drink lots of water to flush your system and add some soluble fibre to diet such as metamucil or benefibre. In NZ we have lots of kiwifruit and they are a great bowel stimulant for breakfast in morning with glass of hot water and lemon juice. Keep tabs on your bowel function, like if you have bleeding or distention or changes in stool write it in a diary. I have a bowel disease that nearly killed me so I think bowel health so easily ignored, but an integral part of our wellbeing!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    Ok, I am a geriatric nurse, and when one of our little folks gets bound up, we give them a bomb. A bomb is 1 ounce each sorbitol, mineral oil, and milk of magnesia. Since it has been so long though you may need a double dose, and/or be dug out. Now I know that neither option sounds fun, but you need to do something NOW, you can DIE from being backed up.

    And yes, I would track the calories, because you are still absorbing them.

    I agree, we used to give Milk of Magnesia mixed in prune juice and nuked for 30 seconds. Worked wonders!
  • beelouise5
    beelouise5 Posts: 19
    Hey! I'm a dietetic professional, and for constipation we go with the "Three F's": fiber, fluid, fitness

    1. Up your fiber. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables
    2. Drink plenty of water, at least a mL for every calorie you consume
    3. Move around, go for a daily walk, etc. Activity encourages gravity to do it's job on the gut
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Keep logging and eat really high fiber foods to help things move along. This can be caused by eating too little fiber (don't know if that is your case). If it were me, I'd eat the highest fiber containing foods I could get my hands on (lots of fruits, veggies, shredded wheat or fiber one, whole grains, raw sources, oatmeal and dried fruit like raisins), and a cup of coffee.