Eating healthy on a VERY tight budget! tips please



  • ijavagypsy
    Frozen veggies are a very thrifty way to get good nutrition! (You cook only what you need and the remainder is preserved for use at another time.) In college, I subsisted on hard-cooked eggs, peanut butter banana milk shakes, yogurt and salads (salad bar once a week splurge all-you-can-eat lol). Lifted weights and ran three days a week each, did one 10K a month. At body weight of 101 lbs., best decline barbell press was 135 lb. I'm sure some people would advise against the eggs and peanut butter, but I was lacto-ovo-vegetarian at the time and didn't have a lot of protein choices that tasted good. When you add raisins and shelled sunflower seeds to your cup of yogurt, it really sticks to your ribs.

    Hope this helps!

    P.S. Now I'm old and fat but hoping to improve.:bigsmile:
  • SuzMcH
    SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
    I hear your pain. i also have a husband who thinks salad is chicken servied with full fat coleslaw and chips ! My 4 year old isn't too bad but has little variety. So I often find myself cooking one thing for them and adapting it for me. We also have a tght budget.

    For example breaded chciken goujons with chips and coleswal for them, with plan salad for me. We had bangers and mash last night. They had beef sausages with mash and gravy, i had quorn sausages with mashed turnip.

    Do you have a slow cooker ? It's great for buying cheap cuts of meat and cooking slowly to make a really lovely casserole. If you serve your portion with veg (frozen is fine) and his with chips or potatoes. My slow cooker is pretty big so it makes enough for more than one meal. (I've never boght frozen meat but I might this week and see how it turns out when cooked slowly in slow cooker)
    Homemade soup is good and can last a few nights.

    I also make low cal curry and chinese meals, which I serve with lots of nan and prawn crackers for hubby and none for me (unless I've saved the cals) Hairy dieters have a book out just now which has "manly" food in with reduced calories. I've found that helpful when trying to please both husband and myself.

    Hope this has helped a little.

    And personally I don't find the "hunger is your friend" comment particularly helpful. Certainly not for people who have suffered with eating disorders in the past. (not me but I can see how this would be received)