Weight loss has stopped

botography Posts: 95 Member
I believe I am following all the rules. I am 5 feet tall and cannot get under the 150 pound mark. As a matter of fact I have gone up a pound or two. I am eating pretty close to the 1200 mark (which was assigned). I want to shed 30 pounds. I am over 60, am pretty active with all my dancing. I cannot figure it out. I do not have thyroid problems, checked that. If I eat more I seem to gain, if I eat less I seem to gain. I cannot give up, but it seems my body is giving up on me.

I checked out a local hospital for their nutrition center. BIG BUCKS which I do not have. And liquid choices which I find ridiculous since it is not a lifestyle change. They do have a total monitoring program but once again, lots of money and no insurance covers them.

I just need a bit of advice.


  • Just_Bethy
    Just_Bethy Posts: 272
    When that happens to me I change things around..I am on a 55% carb 25% protein and 20% fat programme..I swap the ratios about by 5% ie up that fat lower the carb..or what ever..by 5%...I also change my exercise programme.. skip the Zumba and up the water aerobics..or skip everything and double my treadmill time..I even hit Burger King for dinner one night!!..Constance change works for me...Good Luck !!!
  • How accurate would you say your logging is? If your food and exercise is out it makes a huge difference....bear in mind that using MFP to log your dancing may be over estimating, thus falsly logging your energy out.... Look through your foods and make sure you are accurate on those too.

    You may even want to try upping your food, I know thats helped me...
  • I had the same thing happen to me. After losing only 6.5lbs.....I gained back 1.5. I gave it a few days, thinking it was water weight making the fluctuation...but my scale stayed there. A lot of my friends suggested I needed to eat MORE. It was scary, to say the least - I didn't want to GAIN more.........however, it was the best thing I could have done! I increased my daily intake by 200 cals/day and I've lost another 2.5lbs this week.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    my weight loss stoppped for 9 weeks when i came off slimfast! I wouldnt worry. just stick to your calories, drink plenty of water and excercise (eat back your calories) and fingers crossed you will start looking lbs again! :)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Profile can't be seen and to me at least it wasn't clear in the OP. Eating "pretty close" to the 1200 assigned doesn't tell me if that's net or your initial goal and then you exercise but aren't eating them.
    I have stalled weight loss twice in the 6 months I've been here, each time loss was started again by increasing my calories.
    How long are you giving it at the eating more than 1200 to see a gain? Each time you adjust you want to give it at least a couple weeks at the new level to see the changes
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    Usually if you change things up it will help you break a plateau. Try adding more calories for a week or change what you do for exercise for a while. Your body gets used to what you are doing and by doing some change it breaks the plateau.
  • Kathryngs
    Kathryngs Posts: 1
    You could try adding 30 minutes of walking daily to your activity level. Make sure you are counting every food and drink that you take in. Even my coffee with milk every morning adds 25 to 40 extra calories per day. The body becomes very efficient with saving every calorie once weight loss has been going on, so changing up your activity and/ or increasing your activity some may help. Good luck!
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    I get stuck in plateaus every so often. The last time I was stuck I did a full week of just hardcore weights and lost 6lbs. Now I am in another plateau and I am doing the same weights and I have just started running. I also work out 6 days a week, sometimes twice a day. I will be doing a 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse tomorrow so hopefully that will break my plateau again. Fun times!

    Don't give up on yourself. You need need to fuel your exercise, so if you are "living" in the gym make sure you are eating enough. Invest in a heart rate monitor and you will know exactly how many calories you are burning. Money well spent in my opinion!
  • Jenna1971
    Jenna1971 Posts: 28
    It could be that you are eating to few calories. I recently increased my calorie intake by 200 calories and have seen the weightloss again. I am also zig zagging the calorie intake - one day may be 1300, the next will be 1600, then 1200, and so forth - confuse the body. Also what I have been told that if you are eating to few calories - that the body is starved and is holding on to it..... just a few things I have picked up from here. Good luck!
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