Hi - are there people here doing the HCG gtts and VLCD? I'

Hi! I started the HCG gtts and VLCD (very low calorie) plan a little over a week ago and wondered if there were others doing this plan here that I could get feedback and support from! I only plan to do this plan for 30 - 60 days depending upon results, (I'm down 9.5 lbs so far - but I'm sure much of that is water weight! So - anyone here have any experience with this plan? I would love to hear from you!


  • GraceOnAMission
    GraceOnAMission Posts: 19 Member
    Yes! There's a bunch of us. Check out this forum:

    You'll find a lot of support. You can add me as a friend. Glad to have you join us!
  • daniellemcmeekin
    Im on my 2nd round of hcg.. the first time i did the injections and lost about 23 pounds in 20 days.. this time im doing the drops..i started about 5 or 6 days ago and i am down 10 pounds.. the past few days i have eaten too many extra melba toast and i think it shows in my slower weight loss.. other than that, i dont cheat at all.. i love this diet because it works and it works fast..which is the only way i stay motivated. i am going to do this round for 30 days i think... the hardest part for me is that when its over and i start to eat some normal foods, i get out of control again..im afraid i will have to do this diet off and on forever;)