Want to get my sunshine back

1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all!
I'm new to this site and so far have been amazed at how many calories a day are easily consumed if not watched and monitored. I have always been healthy and fit until about two years ago when some health issues occurred. I have since then gained 60 pounds and my self-esteem has hit the lows. It has also caused even more health issues including the loss of four babies.

I am not even wishing to get back to my original 130 - - at this point I will be happy for a HEALTHY 145-150. I want my confidence back. My spark. I have tried cleanses, personal trainers... nothing has shed a pound. I even went vegetarian in January and have missed my meats for 7 months now. But not a thing has seemed to work. So I am praying on this. Counting calories, being aware, exercising more.

Ready to get this thing rolling!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Aww, honey--you came to the right place. Join my group of friends. Support is KEY! I don't know what I'd do without my circle.

  • pulliams
    pulliams Posts: 4
    Sometimes, it takes awhile to find which lifestyle is best for you. Good luck working on a healthier you.
  • morgat17
    morgat17 Posts: 17
    I completely understand...health issues and life issues just crept in on me too...before I knew it...I was not happy with myself! So, I'm new on this too...been almost a week, and it's amazing how it's helping me out so far! Feel free to add me as a friend! We can all use support and help from those going through the same "battles" we are! Good luck! You can do it!!
  • jenngish
    jenngish Posts: 1
    If your weight gain was from medication when you were having your health issues it is much more difficult to get off. Be patient with yourself and talk to your doctor if you are on daily medications. Those might be the culprit to having no loss.
  • Crunchytxmama
    Crunchytxmama Posts: 169 Member
    If you are diligent and trust this process, this will work!
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    We are very very close to you. We are in King. Good luck, you will find this is a great place with many supporting people.
  • wfbmmay
    wfbmmay Posts: 9
    I'm in the same boat - I hate how I feel and look, and it's starting to affect my family and my life. I'm tired of feeling this way - I'm better than this, and so are you!!! Let's do this!!!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    I just moved to this area - it is nice. Hopefully will be joining a gym soon. We went hiking at Pilot Mt for the 4th and hope to keep hiking and take advantage of the great landscape we have around us!!!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    @ "I'm in the same boat - I hate how I feel and look, and it's starting to affect my family and my life. I'm tired of feeling this way - I'm better than this, and so are you!!! Let's do this!!! "

    I COMPLETELY AGREE!!! It has affected my marriage GREATLY as well as my "social" life. My husband is military and we moved right after my health problems started two years ago and then when I was "healthy" enough to find friends I was too insecure. I hardly left the house if I didn't have to. Then we just moved again three weeks ago - - so it's another new start. He wants to go out and down town, but none of my clothes fit,... I can't find anything I like. Getting out only depresses me. My husband is supportive,.. but I can't love myself like this.
  • I used to be very unhappy myself and lots of things including health issues, divorce, etc all contributed to me not paying attention to what I ate etc.... My ex husband was in the Navy as well so I know how tough a military life can be.
    I am now 20 pounds lighter then my heaviest weight and what has helped me change my mind set a bit is affirmations. Your mind and attitude can effect everything no matter what work you do. I am struggling breaking past the 200 but I am determined to get there. For me to keep me thinking positive I created an inspiration board with poster board and pictures and inspiring words and I read it everytime I am in the bathroom. I have also recently started something new and I have a hard shapped glass tealight holder and in the morning I put a tealight candle in there and I imagine the flame in my own heart growing as I light the candle.
    Anyway I hope this gives you some ideas. Health issues and being a military wife away from family and support are some tough challenges!! I wish you lots of luck on this journey and hope you learn to love yourself. Friend me if you like. Remember life is a journey and this too shall pass...
  • You can do this. We all can. It's just a matter of burning more calories in a day than what you take in. This site will help you track it all. And we are here to support you. Good luck!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    One of the first things you should do is share your food diary. Yea, I know - you're giving up a bit of privacy but if your friends can see what you're eating (or at least logging), they'll be in a better position to help you. No one is going to yell at you, but may suggest a lower-fat, or lower-calorie version of something that will taste just as good and be better for you.

    The other things I'd suggest is to have a thyroid test. Medical problems can affect our hormones and the thyroid is responsible for producing many of them. You're far from being menopausal - but a reduced thyroid level after menopause is responsible for that change of life weight gain so many women experience. The thyroid affects your metabolism. It's an easy blood test - have it done the next time you go in for a check up.

    My step-granddaughter is married to a Marine and has been traipsing around after him for some time. I know how tough its been for her. He's leaving again but this time she can't go with him. The good news is, after six months they will get a permanent assignment in Washington DC attached to the President's chopper crew! That will be sweet!
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