
Hi , I am new to the site/ Just started working out again after a 5 yr hiatis! I have been going to a local gym working out for an hour 5 days a week. I am on the eliptical for 30 mins an then weight training or yoga for the other 30 mins or longer.
I am hoping to shed about 40 lbs.
So far I am loving this site to keep track of my progress. ANyone have any tips or suggestions on workouts or great recipes??
Thanks all


  • billtownsend
    billtownsend Posts: 75 Member
    Set a cool goal and be consistent!
  • pulliams
    pulliams Posts: 4
    Yeah, I agree. Set a goal and be consistent.
    Good luck!
  • kgorm001
    kgorm001 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow, 5 days a week for 1 will definitely reach your goal! I get bored easy with the same workout, so I like to switch it up with zumba or other "dance" classes. If you get bored with the elliptical, try the treadmill for a few days or rotate. Yoga is great for your core. You can also start off your workout with planks. I also do sit ups, crunches, and squats with a medicine ball. Bouncing a medicine ball around can also provide a nice arm work out. They should have them at your gym. Don't start off too heavy though. Best!