new here. :) restarting insanity tomorrow!!

hey everyone! i'm jackie. i'm 27 and have two small children. i've started the insanity workout 3 times before, but never finished. starting over again tomorrow and i *will* get through it. anyone else doing insanity? take care!


  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! Yes, I restarted Insanity today. I got through a month and a half of it and then just got burned out. It's taken me weeks to gather myself to start again. Some people do month 1 a few times before month 2 (which kicked my rear end btw). I am doing an Insanity/Zumba hybrid now....friend me if you like!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm not doing Insanity, but P90X, starting Insanity after P90X is done!

    Just keep pushing play! It's tough, but you WILL get results!

    Good luck!!
  • tcpowell25
    tcpowell25 Posts: 292
    I'm doing Insanity. I'll friend you.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i am doing insanity, (stating week 3 , wow been that longz?) sent a friend request,

    any other insanties , or even px90 (next adventure) feel free to friend me
  • Mills187
    Mills187 Posts: 171
    Im doing insanity here going into my fourth week tommorow you just have to dig deeper and push through everyworkout you can do it :)
  • earazed
    earazed Posts: 3
    i know i can do it. i'm my own worst enemy. i find ways to justify not working out. ugh!! i think this site will be good for me, though. thanks, guys. :)
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Will start Insanity too tomorrow. A little bit scared about it, but I will push through somehow. =^_^=
  • nessaluv05
    nessaluv05 Posts: 10
    I'm doing Insanity too!! Starting my 3rd week tomorrow. I love it!!! I'll send a friend request. :)