I'm new here - need to shift the baby weight!

Hi everyone

I just joined today as I have decided that something needs to change. My son is four months old and I really need to shift some of the baby weight (I say baby weight but to be honest I think I have put more weight on since he was born!)

I was always a very slim size 8 for years, it was when I started a less active job (in an office) that a bit of weight went on - I was a 10, and then a 12, etc etc. I managed to lose weight and get back down to a size 10 through VERY strict healthy eating and going to the gym 4 times per week - this was pre-children though, and is just not an option any more!

It was not long after I got back down to a size 10 that I fell pregnant with my daughter (who is now 2 and a half). Whilst pregnant I didn't really worry about the amount I was eating and I just ate what I wanted. She was born, a bit of weight came off naturally and then all went back on again. I fluctuated between a size 12 and 14 for quite a while and then I fell pregnant with my son. Again, I just ate what I wanted. After Jake was born, I suffered a great deal from stress and this really affected my appetite, I could hardly eat and had to force myself to eat - this, combined with breastfeeding, made the weight just fall off me for a while!

However, I fell back into my old habits with eating and that brings us to today. I think I am about a size 14, which I know is not huge but for me it is just not right, I don't feel comfortable. I am only 5'2 and the extra weight just doesn't look good. I was always around a healthy 9st (ish) and at the moment I am about 11 and a half stone. I would really like to lose AT LEAST 2st.

I really hope I can do it. The one thing to bear in mind is that I am breastfeeding. It is very important to me, I really want to carry on for a while yet and I dont want anything to put that at risk so I need to bear that in mind when I'm cutting calories. Are there any other breastfeeding mums out there trying to lose weight?


  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hey! I've got a 10 month-old, who is still primarily breastfed, and I've managed to lose weight without any issue with my supply! It's more about balancing your workouts with food, because I've noticed that I can cut back on calories (not drastically, but enough), but I have to snack constantly throughout the day to make up for it, because otherwise, I end up feeling starving and my supply will dip. I picked up running again, though, and really, that's what done it for me with the weight, because just trying through cutting calories didn't work well without adding the cardio.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I am bf my 3rd child....she is now 8 months old. My advice is to eat plenty of protein, don't cut back too severely on anything, set your weight loss goals for 1/lb a week and if you notice a drop in milk, eat a little more. It really will depend on you and your body. You can do this!
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Okay here are some tips that work for me and I hope will work for you:
    1 proper hydration and proper rest are paramount to success-I KNOW ,I know! New baby, hard to get sleep, but do your best
    2 Processed foods (you will read over and over on this site) are for emergencies only. The additives in them are a barrier to healthy reshaping of your body.
    3 Keep moving. If you have the ability to devote to exercise, focus on alternating methods of exercise so you strengthen different muscle groups, which in turn slims you.
    4 Set small goals when you set your long term ones-( I recommend highly tracking measurements periodically) and don't beat yourself up if they aren't being met as soon as you prefer, just keep focused on meeting them.
    5 Eat small portions frequently and try not to repeat a particular food in a day (for example if you eat chicken breast at lunch then eat fish or lean beef with dinner.)
    6 Investigate low glycemic fruits and vegetables and experiment with how they work with your energy levels.
    7 DON"T GET BELOW your minimum calorie count more than 100 calories and definitely not for more than 2 days maximum, our you will shut down your metabolism and feel like you are going in circles.

    Best of all, stay connected with this community. It is a treasure!

    Best to you.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome =) We're still BF. There's an option in your food diary where you can add 300-500 cals a day from breastfeeding. Hope you enjoy the community here!
  • rachymoo
    rachymoo Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the replies. I'm glad there are other breastfeeding mothers here in the same situation. I really want to lose weight but I am terrified of losing my supply. I don't really get much time to myself so going to the gym etc isn't really an option, but I do quite a lot of walking - I try to go for a long walk with the pram at least 4 times per week, do you think this is enough? (I will add that it's usually a big heavy double pushchair so it certainly leaves me out of breath, lol!)
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Thank you for the replies. I'm glad there are other breastfeeding mothers here in the same situation. I really want to lose weight but I am terrified of losing my supply. I don't really get much time to myself so going to the gym etc isn't really an option, but I do quite a lot of walking - I try to go for a long walk with the pram at least 4 times per week, do you think this is enough? (I will add that it's usually a big heavy double pushchair so it certainly leaves me out of breath, lol!)
    Do you have any free weights at home? I workout at home and it works. I used to think it would be difficult with my little one around but instead he enjoys it and likes to keep me company =)
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    Rachel I think you are off to a great start with 4 walks a week. It may be all you need, but only time will tell if you keep it up.
    Try (if you haven't already) modifying the types of food you eat. It is just as simple as reading labels.
    Make wise choices, measure portions (after a short while you can get pretty good at close estimations, like a handful of cherries is about a cup,) and make sure that when you eat it isn't longer than 3 hours between eating anything at all and those meals or snacks are reasonable size, not restaurant-size portions.
    You can get the calories you need and sill lose weight if they are spread, as your wise advisers have said, throughout the day.
    Drink, drink, drink and SOOO important to rest. This is when your body resets itself and will also affect your milk production.

    I don't see this mentioned, but stress can dry up your milk as well. Don't let this become a cause of stress for you to the point of unhealthy distraction.

    I breastfed all three of my boys. The weight practically fell off with the first, mostly came off with the second, and was most stubborn with the third. Let me tell you he was a BIG milk consumer, the little chubby bubby. My diet wasn't the greatest, because I didn't learn about proper eating until much later. I think you are in a terrific place.

    Learning healthy eating now is a super example for your kids.
    Best to you!