
Hi! I'm new to this site and really hesitant to even post anything on here...but I think it'll be for the best. Just looking for some friends and encouragement, and all the advice I can get! =]


  • Larrybird
    Larrybird Posts: 1
    Hello my name is Michael I am a rookie.
  • AllenBody
    AllenBody Posts: 12
    Welcome to the site! I'm fairly new myself but people are very friendly here
  • JadeMarie78
    JadeMarie78 Posts: 24 Member
    I need all the help I can get too so feel free to add me.
  • Im new here too, but definitely nice to see what other people are doing and interact to learn and get motivated, add me if you like!!!
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    Hi neighbor, feel free to add me if you like, this is a wonderful site
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    we are all here for the same thing and are glad to help each other , post meet people feel free to add me