Pick-Up Specialist

So last night at the bars, a beautiful girl asked for my number*. But since I was a little intoxicated, I didn't think to also get hers. Whoops.

While I could let it go and be at the mercy of her drunken interest, I do know her last name. Should I send her a Facebook friend request and try to pursue a second get-together?

To put some context, she definitely would've gone home with me if she didn't have her pack of girlfriends to say, "We need to get you home," etc. Not that I am a creeper or anything like that. But I was definitely in.

Thanks for the thoughts.

* Not entirely unexpected, as I am a beautiful man.


  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    send the Fbook request! You never know what will or could happen until you try... she could be your future wife!! Who knows.. Go for it.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I'm really not sure what to say to this as I'm irritated at all pick up specialist at this point...so unless you are willing to be a nice person and take this girl out on a real date and not try to have sex with her just because you can....no don't pursue anything but better game. If you really want to get to know this girl better yeah i would facebook her. :wink:
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    No, you do nothing. This girl tries to pick up a drunk guy? WHat are her standards, what are yours? She's more than likely no good. Get rid of her.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I guess it really depends on how you happened by her last name.

    But in general I would say "No, that sounds creepertastic."

    (And to echo the above, of course only an undesirable woman would ever pick up on a man ... Wait ...)
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Normally I'd say listen to the lovely ladies, but this time I'll say learn your lesson for not getting her number as well and hope she calls. If you really want, wait until Wednesday and send the Facebook request. Say you're bored at work and you were thinking about the fun that you [probably?] had at the bars.

    Hopefully I've left enough excess charisma in this thread for you to get your girl.
  • Penguinita
    Penguinita Posts: 159 Member
    So last night at the bars, a beautiful girl asked for my number*. But since I was a little intoxicated, I didn't think to also get hers. Whoops.

    While I could let it go and be at the mercy of her drunken interest, I do know her last name. Should I send her a Facebook friend request and try to pursue a second get-together?

    To put some context, she definitely would've gone home with me if she didn't have her pack of girlfriends to say, "We need to get you home," etc. Not that I am a creeper or anything like that. But I was definitely in.

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    * Not entirely unexpected, as I am a beautiful man.

    Just get her number if you see her at that bar again. Otherwise its a little creepy. Sorry :(
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    :noway: Sounds like you're still intoxicated. Or maybe that's your inflated ego. I agree with the above poster that asked about your standards (and hers). There are other ways to meet and date women instead of picking them up at a bar and trying to get laid. :huh:
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    wow, that is the most cocky thing i have ever read on here. i agree with the other posters you are very creepy and only looking for some tail. Treat women with respect.
  • Random_Name
    I guess it really depends on how you happened by her last name.

    Like this: She said, "How would you pronounce [this particular last name]?"

    Doesn't get easier than that, right?

    As for standards, I'm young and a guy. I didn't say that I wanted this to be "the one." I just said that I wouldn't mind casually "seeing" a model for a few times before moving on with my life when things become ennui. But that's not a joke...she is a model. And I haven't had a model in a while.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Whoa, OK, so the guy does sound pompous and stuff, but if two people meet in a bar and want to shag, that's their business, not yours.

    You can't say "treat women with respect" if they're literally asking for a fling (unless they're drunk and the person in question acts on that impulse ... Consent when not inebriated to a one night tryst is acceptable).

    Now, OP, if you're actually 35, I would suggest perhaps growing up a little. Seriously, picking people up through Facebook? Lame.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    Whoa, OK, so the guy does sound pompous and stuff, but if two people meet in a bar and want to shag, that's their business, not yours.

    You can't say "treat women with respect" if they're literally asking for a fling (unless they're drunk and the person in question acts on that impulse ... Consent when not inebriated to a one night tryst is acceptable).

    Now, OP, if you're actually 35, I would suggest perhaps growing up a little. Seriously, picking people up through Facebook? Lame.

    He put it on a public forum, and i do consider it my business when someone treats women like play things. I have a daughter and if she ever met a DB like this, i would make sure he would nice long visit in the hospital
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I guess it really depends on how you happened by her last name.

    Like this: She said, "How would you pronounce [this particular last name]?"

    Doesn't get easier than that, right?

    As for standards, I'm young and a guy. I didn't say that I wanted this to be "the one." I just said that I wouldn't mind casually "seeing" a model for a few times before moving on with my life when things become ennui. But that's not a joke...she is a model. And I haven't had a model in a while.

    Oh you just want some action. That's cool, go for it then.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I don't like the implication that the opposite is fine.

    Sometimes people just like to have fun and want to be treated like play things.
  • Random_Name
    @halobender: I'm 22. She's 21. Sounds good to me.

    @fitfamilyman: In fairness, she pursued me, as I explicitly stated in my intro. I definitely respect the opinion of, "I want to grow up and have a loving family" and I want that very thing as well, but in the meantime I'm going to have fun. I never said I'm not a douche, but if you did attempt to put me in a hospital, well, I'm fairly certain that I could outrun you.

    Anyways, I thank everyone for their input.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member

    but if you did attempt to put me in a hospital, well, I'm fairly certain that I could outrun you.

    Lol, I love men!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member

    @fitfamilyman: In fairness, she pursued me, as I explicitly stated in my intro. I definitely respect the opinion of, "I want to grow up and have a loving family" and I want that very thing as well, but in the meantime I'm going to have fun. I never said I'm not a douche, but if you did attempt to put me in a hospital, well, I'm fairly certain that I could outrun you.

    Anyways, I thank everyone for their input.

    Never, ever, under estimate the speed at which a pissed off father can run. Pissed off daddy has super hero skills. :bigsmile:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Well if you want a booty call I would persue her. If you are looking for something long term, I would be concern about her. What if y'all get serious, she goes out, gets drunk and in her drunkenness goes out or gives out her number to someone else.

    I wouldn't doubt it you are a beautiful man. :wink:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Not that I am a creeper or anything like that. But I was definitely in.

    Uh... yeah. You are. I would think it was weird if a dude knew my last name, found my Facebook and got at me there AFTER he gave me his number.

    Stand down, man.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Never, ever, under estimate the speed at which a pissed off father can run.

    Amen. My daughter is 13....by the time she's 18...I'mma be in a HELL of a lot better shape than I am now =p.
  • Random_Name
    Not that I am a creeper or anything like that. But I was definitely in.
    Uh... yeah. You are. I would think it was weird if a dude knew my last name, found my Facebook and got at me there AFTER he gave me his number.

    Appreciate the perspective, but I'll presume that you read the original post without scanning to the conversation that elucidates how I got her full name.