The Weight Loss Tips You're Not Trying

I hope you all can go to this website and read this article it was very helpfull for me.


  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Eating with chop sticks makes you eat less? mmmmmmmmm
  • Christina74S
    Christina74S Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks! Some of them were really helpful! (others I already knew!)

    Great post!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I do 1, 4, 6, and 8 already... I really like No. 2, I just so happen to have a pair of fancy chopsticks in my kitchen drawer, but with measuring everything I eat, I don't see the point.

    I found no. 8 to be frustrating. It talks about lifting heavier weights yet the chick in the pic is holding TINY dumbbells. 3 lb weights? Lift heavier? Try 20 lb dumbbells in each hand, now THAT will get you some sexy definition ladies. :D And I'm more of a 6-8 reps kinda gal. If you can do more than 10 reps, the weight is too light, pack on some more iron and get lifting!

    Ok, I'll hop off my soapbox now...
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Thanks for posting. I am happy to report I only drink herbal tea and water already (oh, and white wine), and just bought a big bag of chopsticks today!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    speaking from experience, eating with chopsticks only slows down people who aren't used to eating with them lol

    I am going to try out eating more avocado (I cut this out because of calories). Thanks for sharing!
  • vintagefool
    LOL, eating with chopsticks. That made me guffaw. It reminds me when I was 4 or 5 where I had this inexplicable mental image of all Asians eating nothing but rice with chopsticks, only one grain at a time, and thinking, "That must be why they're skinny!" :laugh:

    I'd already heard all the other tips but most are definitely worth repeating :smile:
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    No. 7
    Avoid creamy foods. Example: Dairy or creamy dressings like ranch have more unhealthy fats and are harder to digest than olive oil-based fats found in vinaigrette-like dressings.

    There is that phrase again. "Unhealthy fats"

    When will it finally be realized that saturated fat is NOT the enemy? Eating too much is the enemy, not saturated fat. I guess the crusade against eggs, dark chocolate and ice cream will continue for now.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    If you can't eat at a normal speed with hashi (chopsticks), then you need more practice! That second tip is so totally bunk and it's not why people who eat with hashi are thin (not that that's even true)- It's kinda like saying "Americans are obese because of Ice Cream".

    The rest are good tips, most of which I already knew about, but still good tips.
  • ezBrizy
    ezBrizy Posts: 131 Member
    I knew most of these but still thought they were good tips when I saw them on yahoo especially # 4 about fat.....#2 is a stretch, chopsticks sure don't slow me down and I'm not an overly experienced chopstick user. However the point is valid SLOWDOWN, don't stuff your face like the foods gonna run away. # 7..eeh...I don't try to avoid creamy foods but I do limit my intake. I still like my yogurt, low fat milk, and the occassional treat.